Life is Feudal Wiki
Crafting skill
Attributes Skills
Primary Agility Requires Farming
Secondary Constitution Unlocks Tailoring
Skill Progression
Level Description
All Maximum quality of food and beverages produced.
0 Can cook following simple recipes (1-2 ingredients).
30 Can cook following complex recipes (3 ingredients).
60 Can brew and create wine.

Can cook following expert recipes (4 ingredients).

Can add spices to food.

90 Can cook following delicacy recipes (5 ingredients).
100 Permanent 5 bonus to luck during the seasoning of food.
Skill ID 24

Cooking allows for production of food which increases skillgain modifier based on amount of ingredients and Quality of the food.

Cooking is a Tier 3 crafting skill in the Household branch. It allows you to prepare food and beverages. Level 30 in Farming is required to learn this skill. To increase Cooking past level 30, Farming skill must be at level 60.

Video guides & Training tips[ | ]

Have a piece of advice for effective training? Edit this section and place it here!

  • Cook food using a Kitchen (20% bonus to food quality)
  • Eating food with more ingredients will give a better food multiplier used to increase the skill progression exp. This number is an average of the last 5 meals you have eaten and is found in character sheet (P) under the Hunger Bar.
  • Cooking a one ingredient recipe like bread will net you the same experience amount as a four ingredient recipe like stuffed rabbit.
A cook uses these devices / workshops:[ | ]

Abilities[ | ]

Name Level Duration
Min – Max
Equipment Entities SStam Cooldown
Global Orders
Skill 0 MinTime – MaxTime Item ActedUpon SUsed GCool OCool
Skill 30 MinTime – MaxTime Item ActedUpon SUsed GCool OCool
Skill 60 MinTime – MaxTime Item ActedUpon SUsed GCool OCool
Skill 90 MinTime – MaxTime Item ActedUpon SUsed GCool OCool
Skill 100 MinTime – MaxTime Item ActedUpon SUsed GCool OCool

Basic Ingredients[ | ]

Name Image Type Length Weight
Apple Apple Other 2 0.25
0 .25
Cabbage Cabbage Wild vegetables 2 0.25
0 .25
Carrot Carrot Wild vegetables 2 0.23
0 .23
Codfish Codfish Fish 2 0.8
0 .8
Egg Egg Edible harvest 2 0.1
0 .1
Edible Berries Edible berries Other 2 0.2
0 .2
Grapes Grapes Other 2 0.4
0 .4
Honey Honey Other 1 0.3
0 .3
Milk Milk Other 1 1
1 .0
Mushroom Mushroom Edible harvest 2 0.12
0 .12
Mutton Mutton Meat 2 0.5
0 .5
Small Onion Small onion Wild vegetables 2 0.12
0 .12
Peas Peas Wild vegetables 2 0.12
0 .12
Potato Potato Edible harvest 2 0.25
0 .25
Salmon Salmon Fish 2 1
1 .0
Trout Trout Fish 2 0.8
0 .8
White Meat Chicken meat White meat 2 0.3
0 .3
Game Meat Bear meat Meat 2 0.5
0 .5
Beef Beef Any beef 2 0.5
0 .5
Herring Herring Fish 2 0.8
0 .8
Pork Pork Any pork 2 0.5
0 .5
Marbled Pork Fatty pork Any pork 2 0.5
0 .5
Marbled Beef Marbled beef Any beef 2 0.5
0 .5
Lamb Lamb Meat 2 0.5
0 .5
Bones Bones Inedible part 2 0.11
0 .11
Sardine Sardine Fish 2 0.4
0 .4
Pike Pike Fish 2 0.8
0 .8
Meat Bear meat Edible parts 0 0
0 .0
Wild Crops Wild Rye Edible harvest 0 0
0 .0
Any Pork Pork Meat 0 0
0 .0
Chicken Chicken Coop animal 3
3 .0
Water Water Raw materials 0 0
0 .0
Branch Branch Wooden raw material 3 2
2 .0
Fish Salmon Edible parts 0 0
0 .0

Food[ | ]

Food[ | ]

Name Image Tool Device Ingredients Skill required Level
Fried beast
Fried Meat None
1x Meat
1x Branch
Household 0
Boiled chicken
Boiled Chicken x4 None
1x Water
Household 0
Bacon None Household 0
Boiled potatoes
Boiled Potatoes None
2x Potato
1x Water
Household 0
Boiled eggs
Boiled Eggs None
6x Egg
1x Water
Household 0
Fried trout
Fried Fish None
1x Fish
1x Branch
Household 0
Pea porridge
Porridge None
1x Water
Household 0
Milky bread
Bread None
1x Flour
1x Water
Household 0

Simple food[ | ]

Name Image Tool Device Ingredients Skill required Level
Cheese None
6x Milk
Household 60
Fish Patty x2 None
1x Fish
1x Dough
Household 60
Berries in honey
Berries in Honey x2 None
1x Honey
Household 60
Meat stew
Meat Stew x2 None
1x Meat
Household 60
Crispy chicken
Crispy Chicken x3 None
1x Branch
Household 60
Fried eggs
Fried Eggs None
5x Egg
1x Bacon
Household 60
Cabbage pies
Meat Patty x2 None
2x Meat
1x Dough
Household 60
Potato with mushrooms
Potato with Mushrooms x2 None
2x Potato
1x Bacon
Household 60
Venisson bratawurst sausage
Sausage x2 None
2x Meat
Household 60

Nice food[ | ]

Name Image Tool Device Ingredients Skill required Level
Pea porky soup
Pork Bouillon x2 None
1x Pork
2x Bones
Cooking 0
Herring salad
Lean Pottage x3 None
4x Peas
Cooking 0
Apple buns
Apple Buns x4 None
1x Dough
1x Butter
3x Apple
3x Nuts
Cooking 0
Kings beef stew
Beef Bouillon x2 None
1x Beef
2x Bones
Cooking 0
Lamb stew with cabbage
Lamb Bouillon x2 None
1x Lamb
1x Mutton
2x Bones
Cooking 0
Pizza x3 None
1x Dough
1x Cheese
1x Bacon
Cooking 0
Beast steak
Pork with Vegetables x2 None
2x Carrot
Cooking 0
Beef steak
Beef steak x2 None
4x Peas
Cooking 0
Trout in berrie sauce
Fish Pottage x2 None
2x Carrot
1x Fish
Cooking 0
Chicken pie
Vegetable Patty x2 None
1x Dough
Cooking 0
Egg pies
Vegetable Patty x2 None
4x Peas
2x Carrot
1x Dough
Cooking 0

Tasty food[ | ]

Name Image Tool Device Ingredients Skill required Level
White Beer x2 None Cooking 60
Codfish with mushrooms
Lean Stew x2 None
1x Carrot
Cooking 60
Borscht x2 None
1x Carrot
1x Potato
Cooking 60
Bubble and squeak x2 None
1x Pork
2x Peas
1x Potato
Cooking 60
Cake with giblets
Cake with Giblets x2 None
1x Flour
Cooking 60
Cheese buns
Cheese Buns x2 None
1x Cheese
Cooking 60
Codfish with cabbage
Chorba x2 None
2x Carrot
1x Potato
Cooking 60
Apple castle soup
North Fish Soup x3 None Cooking 60
Cod chowder
Fish Bullion x3 None
1x Trout
1x Pike
Cooking 60
Pork sausage
Highlander's Sausage x2 None
1x Lamb
1x Mutton
2x Peas
Cooking 60
Fried herring
Mushrooms Stew x2 None
1x Apple
2x Peas
1x Carrot
Cooking 60
Beef stew
Rassolnik x2 None Cooking 60
Fried codfish
Egg Salad x2 None
2x Peas
1x Carrot
Cooking 60
Greatberry pie
Greatberry Pie x4 None
2x Dough
3x Grapes
2x Apple
2x Nuts
Cooking 60
Baguette x2 None
1x Butter
Cooking 60
Ravioli x3 None
1x Beef
1x Pork
1x Lamb
1x Dough
Cooking 60
Apple castle soup
East Fish Soup x3 None
1x Trout
Cooking 60
Apple castle soup
Fish Soup x3 None
1x Pike
Cooking 60
Fried salmon patties
Chebureki x3 None
1x Mutton
1x Dough
Cooking 60
Oat Stout x2 None Cooking 60
Apple castle soup
West Fish Soup x3 None Cooking 60
Apple castle soup
South Fish Soup x3 None
1x Salmon
Cooking 60
Sardine Stew x2 None
1x Apple
2x Peas
Cooking 60
Lager x2 None Cooking 60
Red Ale x2 None Cooking 60

Delicious food[ | ]

Name Image Tool Device Ingredients Skill required Level
Stew cabbage
Mumkin Borscht x4 None
1x Potato
Cooking 90
Wild meat with peas
Fat Fish Soup x4 None
1x Salmon
1x Cheese
Cooking 90
Apple meat loaf
Baabaa Couscous x5 None
2x Wheat
1x Lamb
1x Mutton
Cooking 90
Milky salmon
Oatmeal, sir! x3 None
1x Apple
1x Butter
1x Nuts
Cooking 90
Onion soup
Pea Soup x4 None
1x Potato
Cooking 90
Pecene veprevo koleno
Peceno Veprevo Koleno x3 None
1x Pork
Cooking 90
Beef cabbage hash
Vegetable stew x2 None
2x Peas
1x Carrot
Cooking 90
Yorkshire pudding
Yorkshire Pudding x2 None
3x Egg
1x Butter
Cooking 90
Fried salmon
Solyanka x5 None
1x Bacon
1x Onion
Cooking 90
Fish Madness x4 None
1x Trout
1x Pike
1x Salmon
Cooking 90
Cottage pie
Cottage Pie x4 None
1x Dough
Cooking 90
Venisson stew
Shchi x4 None
1x Potato
1x Onion
Cooking 90
Waterzooi x4 None
1x Salmon
1x Onion
Cooking 90
Fish cakes
Beer pancakes x4 None
3x Egg
1x Butter
Cooking 90
Vegetable soup
Minestrone x5 None Cooking 90
Stuffed rabbit
Stuffed Rabbit x5 None
1x Rabbit
1x Onion
Cooking 90
Apple berry pie
Apple Pie x3 None
2x Apple
1x Butter
2x Egg
Cooking 90
Normann bread
Beer Pie x4 None
1x Bacon
Cooking 90
Cookies x3 None
1x Honey
1x Butter
2x Egg
Cooking 90
Mixed Porridge x2 None Cooking 90
Samsa x3 None
1x Lamb
1x Mutton
1x Onion
Cooking 90
Pumpernickel x2 None
1x Butter
2x Nuts
Cooking 90

Brewing[ | ]

Note: Before using brewing tank you should get ingredients for alcohol from Wine press or a cooking device (Oven, Kitchen or Big Cauldron) and you should have empty bottles in your inventory.

Note: temperature needs to be exactly in the range shown in the table below (or the progress bar for heating will not show up) - for example Cider must be between 23 to 27 to heat.
*Update* - temperatures changed with the 1.0 release. The values below are rough estimates of working temperature frames.

Name Image Crafting materials required Temperature Ticks Skill required
2x Fermented apple juice
1x Empty bottle
23-27 30 Cooking: 30
2x Fermented grape
1x Empty bottle
12-18 30 Cooking: 30
2x Brewed honey
1x Water
1x Empty bottle
25-35 10 Cooking: 30
2x Malt
1x Water
1x Empty bottle
17-20 20 Cooking: 30

MMO: Crafting skills
Artisan Artisan Construction Construction Masonry Masonry Architecture Architecture
Mining Mining Materials Processing Materials Processing Precious Prospecting Precious Prospecting Jewelry Jewelry
Forestry Forestry Carpentry Carpentry Bowcraft Bowcraft Warfare Engineering Warfare Engineering
Kilning Kilning Forging Forging Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing
Household Household Farming Farming Cooking Cooking Tailoring Tailoring
Gathering Gathering Herbalism Herbalism Healing Healing Alchemy Alchemy
Hunting Hunting Procuration Procuration Animal Lore Animal Lore Warhorse Training Warhorse Training