Life is Feudal Wiki
This is not an official version history or changelog. For the official list, please visit the Life is Feudal website.

About[ | ]

The open Alpha development phase started on September 19, 2014 with the release of Life is Feudal: Your Own in the Early Access program of Steam. On November 17, 2015 Life is Feudal: Your Own was officially released.

Release[ | ]

Client Version Client Version (Beta Branch) Release Date Content 20 September, 2018 New Features and Tweaks
  • Added the ability to setup unmovable object rights
  • You can now reset your keybindings to the default state
  • All newly created worlds are now running ‘Red’ rules by default
  • Players that have entered the Town Claim or Outpost Claim outside of the JH period will be booted out to the border of those claims if they log in during the JH period
  • Default ability preset now depends on the mount state of the player - this means players can have different default abilities while they’re riding the horse, driving the Trader’s Cart or walking
  • Tweaked Flamberge default skin and added some premium skins

Bug Fixes and Optimizations

  • Shader caching is now working as intended, which should reduce the second (and the following times) of entering the world
  • Fixed shrinking of guild claim on guild monument upgrade
  • Fixed partial invulnerability and inability to act after being knocked down (trampled by enemy, unsaddled while riding the horse etc)
  • Fixed client crash related to the inventory GUI
  • Updated the offset of drop bags so they no longer disappear in heavily terraformed terrain 03 September, 2018
  • Player owned horses that are left unattended in the world now take longer to decay (2 hours)
  • Reworked three gathering abilities (Search for something Edible, Search for Materials, Search for Herbs). All of these abilities work the same way as the original gathering of alchemy ingredients worked. ‘Targeting’ the tile triggers the visibility of corresponding plants in the area, which you now manually gather
  • Luck effects from different types of sources (jewelry, blessings and 5 ingredient foods) now have separate effect slots and stack separately
  • Movable objects can now be damaged by projectiles without a siege damage attribute
  • You can now rename unmovable objects
  • You can now give names to movable objects on your claimed lands - making your guild items management easier for everyone
  • Movable objects placed inside unmovable objects (warehouses, houses, keeps etc) can no longer be opened, looted or moved during JH raids. We’ve implemented this feature to prevent different types of exploits, which allowed players to squeeze into the warehouses and loot them while defenders were fighting elsewhere.
  • Incomplete buildings and objects now take significantly longer to decay and disappear. You can use the ‘Inspect’ ability on incomplete buildings to see their durability and how soon they will decay and disappear.
  • Reworked all shield visual geometry
  • Players should slip and fall down when they step on top of other players or horses
  • Minimum criminal status duration is now 10 seconds, giving you some time to hit the offender once or twice - make sure not to overdo it!
  • 5-ingredient food is now boosted. Eating complex foods like this will grant you an ‘Inspired work’ and ‘Luck’ effect and the duration of the effects depends on the quality of the food.
  • Resurrection sickness is now twice as long and healing effect duration is shorter, making it better to heal yourself now rather than dying
  • Warnings while looting graves should now work properly and warn you only if you really will lose the alignment upon looting

--- Luck mechanics reworked---

  • Max luck on a character is now capped at 100 (originally 12)
  • Luck bonus on jewellery is increased 5x- this will only work on newly crafted jewellery
  • Luck bonus from skills at lvl 100 of training are increased up to 10
  • ‘Bless with a God's Love’ luck buff is increased to 8.5 (up to 10 on 100 lvl of the Piety skill)
  • 5-ingredient foods now provide up to 10 luck
  • The chance to craft an exceptional item has increased from 0.01% to 0.1%
  • Updated mature oak tree collisions so they can no longer form an impassable wall
  • Added FoV and Particle Settings to the Video Options of the game
  • Poisons tweaked so that they last longer (2 to 4 minutes) and the overall damage is also higher
  • Weapon tooltips slightly improved
  • Personal timers on horses are now properly ignored during JH

--- ‘Battle Survival’ skill tweaks ---

  • Added a 60 second cooldown after ‘Fatal Hp Conversion’ proc
  • Skill raise from the ‘Fatal Hp Conversion’ ability was significantly increased
  • Luck now properly affects the chance of doubling the amount of fatal Hard HP damage that is transformed into Soft HP
  • Added a system message when the ‘Fatal Hp Conversion’ is triggered containing the information how luck affected this proc
  • Shields on the back should now properly lose durability upon being hit

--- Beta Branch--- You can now choose between versions of YO that you want to play. If you want to stick to the latest update version, or choose the older one if you prefer. This can be done by right clicking on ‘Life is Feudal’- Properties - Beta. 17 October, 2017 Changed
  • You can no longer ‘Apply a poison’ to 1.5H swords(56)
  • Horse bumping formula update, the behavior is closer to previous patch settings (which you guys love so much!)
  • Horses also receive damage from impact
  • Cavalryman 90 level bonus from unsaddling is working properly now
  • Hits in player’s head damage increased by 20% ( 1.5 -> 1.8 from basic)
  • Added duration (2 seconds) for ‘Inspect’ ability (id=208)
  • Marble and Slate roads can now be terraformed
  • Riding Horse and Female Riding Horse
Impact damage multiplier increased from 0.3 to 1.0
HP regeneration rate (per sec) reduced from 0.48 to 0.13
  • Simple Warhorse
HP regeneration rate (per sec) reduced from 0.64 to 0.26
  • Spirited Warhorse
Impact damage multiplier increased from 0.3 to 1.0
HP regeneration rate (per sec) reduced from 0.64 to 0.16
  • Hardy Warhorse
Mass reduced from 900 to 800
HP regeneration rate (per sec) reduced from 0.8 to 0.32
  • Heavy Warhorse and Royal Warhorse
HP regeneration rate (per sec) reduced from 0.8 to 0.38
  • Sling
Accuracy reduced from 1.4 to 1.9 (less is better)
  • Sling Stone
Damage multiplier reduced from 3.7 to 3.4
  • Nordic Sword
Thrust damage multiplier increased from 1.92 to 2.25
BasePrefireAnimTime increased from 0.8 to 1.0
  • Knight Sword
Thrust damage multiplier increased from 2.2 to 2.3
Swing damage multiplier increased from 1.78 to 1.9
  • Light Sabre
Thrust damage multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.16
BasePrefireAnimTime increased from 0.8 to 0.9
BaseFireireAnimTime increased from 0.8 to 0.9
BaseRecoilAnimTime increased from 0.5 to 0.65
  • Scimitar
Thrust damage multiplier increased from 1.3 to 1.35
  • Falchion
Thrust damage multiplier increased from 0.92 to 0.98
  • Bastard Sword
Thrust damage multiplier increased from 2.4 to 2.51
Swing damage multiplier increased from 1.4 to 1.7
  • Big Falchion
Thrust damage multiplier increased from 1.0 to 1.1
:: Swing damage multiplier increased from 1.5 to 1.8
  • Gross Messer
Thrust damage multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.17
Swing damage multiplier increased from 1.4 to 1.75
  • War Axe
Swing damage multiplier decreased from 2.16 to 1.94
BaseRecoilAnimTime increased from 1.0 to 1.1
  • Battle Axe
Swing damage multiplier decreased from 2.24 to 2.05
BaseRecoilAnimTime increased from 1.0 to 1.1
  • Nordic Axe
BaseRecoilAnimTime increased from 1.0 to 1.1
  • War Pick
Swing damage multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.31
  • Zweihaender
BasePrefireAnimTime decreased from 1.3 to 1.2
BaseRecoilAnimTime decreased from 1.3 to 1.1
  • Flamberge
BaseRecoilAnimTime decreased from 1.2 to 1.1
  • Bardiche
Swing damage multiplier increased from 1.28 to 1.5
  • Broad Axe
Swing damage multiplier increased from 1.36 to 1.6
  • Glaive
BasePrefireAnimTime decreased from 1.3 to 1.2
  • Guisarme
Swing damage multiplier increased from 1.12 to 1.3
BasePrefireAnimTime decreased from 1.2 to 1.1
  • War Scythe
Swing damage multiplier increased from 1.36 to 1.41
  • Bec de Corbin
BasePrefireAnimTime decreased from 1.2 to 1.0
  • Spear
BaseRecoilAnimTime increased from 0.8 to 0.95
  • Boar Spear
BaseFireAnimTime increased from 0.7 to 0.8
  • Lance
Damage multiplier increased from 1.8 to 2.0
  • Jousting Lance
Damage multiplier increased from 2.4 to 2.65
  • Decorated Jousting Lance
Damage multiplier increased from 2.4 to 2.65


  • Minor visual fixes (Dupe quickfix) 05 October, 2017 Added
  • Implemented a heraldry change cooldown to prevent in combat heraldry mimic


  • All damaged buildings no longer have doors/gates. You do not need to destroy a whole building in order to get inside now.
  • Combat update (overall damage balance update, durability losses, stun probabilities)
  • Forestry abilities levels change
  • Magic with fields and crops fixed(no more different aging speed of different tiles)
  • Trebuchet now loses durability, its accuracy depends on player intelligence


  • Fixed an inventory dupe with a trader cart
  • Fixed a server crash caused by a /claimrule command
  • Players should now properly appear on their beds after homecoming
  • Fixed sudden death while jumping on the top of the drawbridge (Hotfix) 05 October, 2017 Fixed
  • Fixed a serious bug where a guild leader could leave the guild and leadership would not be properly transferred to the other guild member
  • Fixed a bug where, after harnessing and unharnessing the horse, the Trading Cart inventory visually disappeared
  • Fixed NULL guild tag issue
  • Minor art fix for the gatehouse bridge model 28 September, 2017 Added
  • Horse-drawn carts have been added. You can build a cart, place a riding horse nearby, harness it to the cart. Inventory items AND movable objects can be put inside and pulled out via the context menu options
  • Implemented ‘Personal Claim’ system
  • Implemented impact damage that is caused by a horse that tramples a player
  • Added new type of resource — 'Simple Cloth'. Novice armors require simple cloth instead of linen now. Added new recipes to “Nature's Lore” skill: 'Wristbands', 'Primitive Boots'. 'Bandage' now craft with simple cloth.
  • Hunters (skill lvl 60) now can craft a hat from fur
  • Added hudless screenshot key in global key map
  • Implemented the ‘Horse decay’ system in order to minimize excessive server load, which was caused by hundreds of unattended horses being stashed in the attics of residential buildings. A horse without a rider or any interaction within 30 minutes will appear sleeping/laying on the ground, and after an additional 30 minutes, it will ‘run away’ and disappear completely from the gameworld. This mechanism is DISABLED by default. Server admins may to enable this setting by modifying the: $cm_config::Decay::HorsesDecayTimeMinutes preference
  • Implemented a server-side setting that gives the ability to enable or disable all inventory items being dropped on the ground when a player uses the Homecoming Prayer skill ($cm_config::HomecomingDrop = 0;)
  • New tooltips system implemented - you can now see detailed information about items, character stats and active effects
  • Added durability checks while interacting with inventory and constructed objects. You will no longer see an ability in the context menu if durability requirements are not met
  • Properly implemented the swimming skill. It can now be skilled up and allows you to swim longer distances
  • Added ‘Load of Mortar’ recipe. Grants the ability to make large amounts of mortar at once, but with increased use of resources


  • Optimized and reworked the guild code. Added new ‘Guilds’ button in the Character window - which is where you can now create, manage and invite new members to your guild. The political and a Rights system is currently shown via console commands only. Please, take a look here, if you want some politics on your server!
  • Tuned Volley ability to be easier to use and be more effective (especially against tight formations). Volley ability can be used only if the strength of player is more than `STR need` parameter of a bow
  • Critical weight influence on hit, parry and shield animation speed changed
  • Armor durability damage buffed. 0.1->1. weaponDurabilityDamage buffed 0.1->0.3 weapon_fracture_min__in_durability_damage 0.1->0.3
  • Berserker skill abilities now raise the skill faster
  • All clothes now provide a small amount of damage mitigation
  • 1h and 2h sword combos work with one-and-a-half swords now
  • Tweaked almost all special attacks' damage scale. Nerfed some overpowered special attacks (which were found in the beta branch)
  • "Another Hole" combo sequence changed to less spammable (OH-R(L)S-OH instead of OH-OH-OH)
  • Increased the number of bind slots in houses and keeps
  • 3 story plaster house now uses the same number of tiles as the wooden version
  • Capacity of the 'Warehouse' is now the same as the capacity of Wooden 'Warehouse' (5000 stones)
  • Claim radius is now shown in tiles (1 tile side = 2 meters)
  • Guild claim rendering distance has been lowered
  • Guild land maintenance price has decreased
  • Tweaked tree growth algorithm. Trees that are planted by players will now grow faster
  • Removed ignore parry on 90 lvl Spearman
  • 90 level Spearman is now required to fight with spear and shield. Also added special attack after knocking down an opponent
  • Lancers can’t attack on low speed anymore
  • You can deconstruct incomplete buildings on enemy claims during Judgment Hour. Speed of deconstruction depends on the amount of resources that were invested into that particular building
  • Armor effects now properly scale with the armor quality
  • Archer Stand and Defensive Fence now set up immediately in a complete state
  • A bunch of crafting recipe tweaks


  • Fixed geo substance duplicating via inventory overweight
  • Player collision capsule is disabled when a player is dead
  • Fixed multiple messages here and there in order to better explain the situation and what is happening
  • Slightly optimized netcode
  • Optimized guild lands drawing algorithm
  • Optimized server to database communication
  • Fixed client crash on claim removal
  • Fixed inability to use Sacrifice when a monument is being upgraded
  • A few server crash issues have been addressed
  • Optimized collision models of some objects. This should boost servers performance slightly.
  • Fixed an exploit making some players invulnerable
  • Fixed a situation where a character was dismounted from a horse after stun. Now a dismount will only happen if a character is knocked dow.
  • Now renaming, opening and dropping bags and similar containers is working properly
  • Ranger skill abuse with pavise fixed
  • Fixed ability to draw a spear on horseback
  • Fixed terraforming related substance dupe
  • You can no longer add fuel to damaged devices
  • Fixed the quality cap on metal types in the case of chainmail armor crafting
  • Fixed /stuck exploit, which would allow players to get inside a fortified perimeter
  • Fixed incorrect food quality multiplier calculation. Now the value of the multiplier is recalculated with hunger increase
  • You can gather silkworm cocoons from medium mulberry trees
- 31 August, 2017 Added
  • Implemented ‘Personal Claim’ system
  • Implemented the ‘Horse decay’ system in order to minimize excessive server load, which was caused by hundreds of unattended horses being stashed in the attics of residential buildings. A horse without a rider or any interaction within 30 minutes will appear sleeping/laying on the ground, and after an additional 30 minutes, it will ‘run away’ and disappear completely from the gameworld. This mechanism is DISABLED by default. Server admins may to enable this setting by modifying the: $cm_config::Decay::HorsesDecayTimeMinutes preference
  • Implemented a server-side setting that gives the ability to enable or disable all inventory items being dropped on the ground when a player uses the Homecoming Prayer skill ($cm_config::HomecomingDrop = 0;)
  • New tooltips system implemented - you can now see detailed information about items, character stats and active effects
  • Properly implemented the swimming skill. It can now be skilled up and allows you to swim longer distances
  • Added ‘Load of Mortar’ recipe. Grants the ability to make large amounts of mortar at once, but with increased use of resources


  • Optimized and reworked guild code. Added new ‘Guilds’ button in the Character window - which is where you can now create, manage and invite new members to your guild. Political and rights system is currently exposed via console commands only. Please, take a look here, if you want some politics on your server ;)
  • Claim radius is now shown in tiles (1 tile side = 2 meters)
  • Guild claim rendering distance is lowered
  • Guild land maintenance price decreased
  • Tweaked tree growth algorithm. Trees that are planted by players will now grow faster
  • Special attack damage multipliers boosted
  • Removed ignore parry on 90 lvl Spearman
  • 90 level Spearman is now required to fight with spear and shield. Also added special attack after knocking down an opponent
  • Lancers can’t attack on low speed anymore
  • Added durability checks while interacting with inventory and constructed objects. You will no longer see an ability in the context menu if durability requirements are not met
  • You can deconstruct incomplete buildings on enemy claims during Judgment Hour. Speed of deconstruction depends on the amount of resources that were invested into that particular building
  • Armor effects now properly scale with the armor quality
  • Archer Stand and Defensive Fence now set up immediately in a complete state
  • A bunch of crafting recipe tweaks
  • You can gather silkworm cocoons from medium mulberry trees


  • Slightly optimized netcode
  • Optimized guild lands drawing algorithm
  • Optimized server to database communication
  • Fixed client crash on claim removal
  • Fixed inability to use Sacrifice when a monument is being upgraded
  • A few server crash issues have been addressed
  • Optimized collision models of some objects. This should boost servers performance slightly.
  • Fixed an exploit making some players invulnerable
  • Fixed a situation where a character was dismounted from horse after stun. Now a dismount will only happen if a character is knocked down.
  • Now renaming, opening and dropping bags and similar containers is working properly
  • Ranger skill abuse with pavise fixed
  • Fixed ability to draw a spear on horseback
  • Fixed terraforming related substance dupe
  • You can no longer add fuel to damaged devices
  • Fixed the quality cap on metal types in the case of chainmail armor crafting
  • Fixed /stuck exploit, which would allow players to get inside a fortified perimeter
  • Fixed incorrect food quality multiplier calculation. Now the value of the multiplier is recalculated with hunger increase (Hotfix) - 02 June, 2017 Fixed
  • Fixed a bug that showed blocked cells as green (unblocked)
  • Reenabled bind of “V” button to look at your character
  • Fixed 0 quality dung
  • Fixed bugs that kept your body in the world, after you’ve performed a suicide
  • Provided fixes of multiple issues with stables and other buildings construction processes
  • You can perform a suicide only with bladed weapons. Text was changed accordingly.
  • Tweaked mining skill descriptions in the skill book - 02 June, 2017 Added
  • Implemented 30 second timer during the logoff process. During that 30 seconds your character will be in game (even if you’ve closed your game or shut off the PC).
  • Honorable Death - you can now type /suicide (or drag the appropriate icon from General Action skills to your hotbar) to kill yourself in some situations. The ability will take 10 seconds to cast and can be interrupted
  • You will see an oxygen bar, while under water. Drowning will be more visible and easy to understand now
  • “Slow” effect can now be removed by an “Arghh!” ability
  • Added a new Bitbox logo intro
  • In GM mode you can speed growth of crops in the targeted cell by typing /growcrops in the console
  • Trebuchet now has lower projectile starting velocity. Inadequate siege projectile behavior also fixed.
  • New, improved Inspect skill


  • Camera positions tweaked for different player states. In some cases 'hold to rotate camera' key may need rebinding in control settings.
  • Skinning of an animal carcass will drop all skinned results into your inventory and will remove the carcass from the world
  • You can now place all tamed animals into carts and warehouses
  • "Sow Flax" ability now requires 30 skill level
  • You can erect a monument on paved tiles now
  • You can now eat preparations while mounted
  • Optimized server to database communication
  • Slightly optimized netcode
  • Armor textures slightly tweaked and renewed
  • Grossmesser damage reduced
  • Siege tent decay speed has been reduced


  • Removed a /stuck exploit that allowed you to get inside houses while relogging on their roof
  • Fixed several coop issues, both mechanics and GUI
  • Removed a client side deadlock
  • Fixed some of the problems with terraforming without a tool in your hands
  • Primitive tools no longer stack bonuses of better equipment
  • Rare alchemy/herbalism crash fixed
  • Fixed a gameplay bug where you could cook on a broken campfire indefinitely
  • Fixed improper birch log durability
  • Homecoming cooldown can no longer be refreshed by relogging
  • You can no longer flatten an already flat tile for additional skill gain
  • Mining time for copper vs iron has been tweaked
  • Chances to find rare minerals and gems at level 60 and 90 of Mining skill are as intended now
  • Blacksmith outfit now grants a proper bonus to the skill
  • Trebuchet max fire distance adjusted
  • You can no longer track other player’s activity via the console
  • Armorsmith and Ranger skills trivia updated to correctly describe the skills
  • World selection button removed from the character selection screen - 11 May, 2017 Changes
  • Removed Easter eggs and bunnies


  • You can build on unflattened terrain tiles in GM mode now
  • You can dig a tunnel near flattened tiles now
  • No more unknown damage type, correct type of received damage (impact damage) is properly indicated now
  • No more dying from falling on respawn. We have implemented a new spawn algorithm.
  • Melee damage to movable objects works as intended now
  • No more infinite stun when being knocked down while riding a horse
  • Terrain quality setting is preserved after the game restarts now
  • Death resets food quality multiplier to default value now - 14 April, 2017 Added
  • Added Easter eggs and bunnies in game for the Easter weekend and the following week. The bunnies have a unique ability to lay easter eggs in coops! - 11 April, 2017 Fixed
  • Fixed an issue that caused improper skillcap calculation, which didn’t take intellect into account
  • Proper conversion of old single skillcap settings to the new crafting/combat/minor skillcap for existing dedicated servers
  • Only the thrusting spear attack can not be parried at 90 Spearman skill. Overhead and slashing attacks will be properly parried now
  • You now can not attack with bec-de-corbin while mounted
  • Skillcap information in the server browser is now indicated properly - 07 April, 2017 Fixed
  • patch.sql script was fixed. This should resolve issues on these dedicated servers. They had no root rights while executing scripts in the database. That lead to numerous different bugs - skills lock/unlock, inability to see dropped objects, animals not producing corpses, trees not producing logs after being chopped down, crashes when taking resources from Drying racks and Tanning tubs etc
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some wall and fence construction from being completed when they were adjacent to other walls, fences or unmovable objects
  • Fixed a bug with improper damage calculations inflicted by arrows and bolts to buildings

Note We've implemented separate skillcap (crafting, combat, minor) server setting. Dedicated servers' skillcaps can not be reconfigured automatically. Server admins will have to change 'world.xml' files manually to configure different caps to:

<group id="1" value="400" />
<group id="2" value="400" />
<group id="3" value="400" />
</skillcap> - 06 April, 2017 Added
  • Implemented a new object selection algorithm, which should increase your game performance slightly, especially in an area with a lot of objects and trees (note that inside buildings some improperly placed storage items, like crate, barrels etc., may become stuck, you will need GM assistance to get them out)
  • Implemented parallax effect on terrain textures
  • Added ‘Maximized window’ display mode
  • Implemented ‘chopping’ type of damage for different axe-type weapons. This type of damage is more effective against small, movable objects than slashing, blunt or piercing damage
  • Implemented ‘impact’ type of damage. It is inflicted by horses trampling infantry. Padded armors have increased resistance against it
  • New ‘Siege Torch’ weapon


  • Completely redesigned the combat skill tree. Make sure to open your skill book and spend some time familiarizing yourself with it. Note that skillcap setting will be different for crafting, combat and minor skills now
  • Optimized and partially rewritten AI system. These changes may result in a slight server side performance boost, but they are mainly designed to be a foundation for Natives and horse-driven carts
  • You can change language in Game settings menu now, as well as guid invites, groups and barter requests
  • All types of damage affect movable objects now
  • Rebalanced all types of armor. Armor now has a bonus effects according to required skill
  • Royal armor skill requirement has decreased to 90. Royal armor damage mitigation has increased by 5% compared to Veteran’s armor sets
  • Increased blueprints probability to be dropped during crafting actions from 1% to 5%
  • Minimum speed bonus is 1.0 instead of 5.0. That means that a low speed poke with certain weapons will not cause excessive damage now
  • Doubled velocity multiplier in thrust attack speed bonus calculation
  • Thrusting attacks with Spears cannot be parried now (required 90 Spearman skill)
  • All trebuchet related actions require 60 Demolition skill now
  • You need to inflict at least 5 dmg in order to have a chance to cause a stagger or stun
  • Special attacks reshuffled for the purpose of better usability in combat. Make sure to check out skill book descriptions
  • All melee combat combo chains are lowered to 3 consecutive attacks (instead of 4). Make sure to check skill book for details
  • Combo, special attacks and attacks with Power Strike effect properly ignore parrying now (as it was originally intended)
  • Hit damage type transforms to blunt when hit is blocked by a shield
  • Practice weapons do not require a linen rope now in their crafting recipes. That should make practice weapons more available at earlier stages of development
  • Knight sword moved to hand-and-a-half sword group, Grossmesser moved to the one-handed group. Estoc weapon type changed to two-handed sword
  • Nerfed lances damage multiplier
  • Tweaked unit weight of polearms
  • Partisan weapon is shorter now
  • Increased speed of overhead attacks with two-handed pole weapons
  • Swamps and snow now affect horses speed
  • You can flatten paved tiles now to build structures on them
  • Day cycle min to max range changed to 1- 24 (real life hours per in game day)


  • Multiple forest and trees related optimizations and bugfixes. We believe that everything related to the forest and individual trees should work faster
  • Pines and spruces have proper collisions now at all growth stages
  • Iron Grip ability should no longer switch player to a peaceful stance
  • Royal horse in an unstoppable gallop state should work properly now
  • Fixed an issue with cooldowns of disabled abilities
  • Fixed a server crash with the barter window
  • Fixed an exploit, which allowed players to shoot volley arrows when angle of sight is lower than 30 degrees to the ground plane
  • Fixed incorrect tiles blocking while terraforming
  • Region audio announcement is no longer sounded when entering the game or returning to already visited region (text notifications are still there)
  • ‘Slaughter’ button is now visible only for players with at least 30 points of Animal Lore skill
  • Fixed huge formation bonus bug. Formation will be dropped on any leader teleport
  • Fixed ‘jump to the sky on a tunnel edge’ bug
  • Autocraft ends when the tool reaches 0 durability
  • Multiple combat mechanics-related bugfixes
  • Fixed some minor chat and chat window related bugs
  • Some other server and client side crash fixes and optimizations (64bit Release) - 02 February, 2017 Added
  • 64 bit client and server applications released


  • Recipes: Furnace, Big cauldron, Kiln, Tiny Shack, Plaster Tiny Shack, Sign moved from Mat. prep to Construction
  • Recipes: Quern-stone, Potter's wheel moved from Mat. prep to Carpentry
  • Removed ability ‘Create’(id=101)
  • Corrected tabs in building list
  • Recipes: Floor lamp, Archery target, Training dummy, Drying frame, Wine press, Loom, Plough, Tanning Tub moved from Construction to Carpentry
  • Recipes: Stone Stair, Beveled Stone Stair moved from Construction to Masonry
  • Palisade Wall required Construction=20 (instead of 60)
  • Wooden Wall required Construction=30 (instead of 65)
  • Small Stable required Construction=60 (instead of 90)
  • Stone Wall required Masonry=0 (instead of 30)
  • Other minor recipes changes
  • Included some render optimizations
  • Hunger meter is set to 100 after respawn now
  • ‘Dry a Hide’ ability moved from 60 to 30 skill
  • ‘Use Tanning Tub’ ability moved from 60 to 0
  • ‘Pick Up’ ability moved from 60 to 0
  • ‘Pick up a Hide’ ability moved from 60 to 30
  • ‘Hank of wool’ and ‘Wool cloth’ recipes moved from 30 to 60
  • ‘Thick dried hide’ and ‘Thin dried hide’ recipes moved from 60 to 30


  • Fixed pike and lances combat technique that allowed to swing pike/lance sidewards while performing a thrusting attack to receive an inadequate amount of speed bonus
  • Fixed a container renaming issue that caused all other containers to have the same name as a renamed one
  • You can sit on a chair inside buildings now
  • Movable objects do not disappear anymore if the unfinished unmovable object was deconstructed in the same cell
  • Normalized the video intro sound volume
  • Fixed a black screen bug that caused loading problems on some hardware specs
  • Water plane no longer moves with a mounted player’s camera mode. You will not see water changing angles when the player is mounted on a hind legged horse.
  • Fixed particle lighting issues
  • Fixed some issues with Invulnerability effect mechanics
  • Fixed a couple of memory leaks that have caused unstable behavior of the application


  • We’re not going to officially support the 32bit version any longer. We are going to leave a legacy branch for those users that cannot switch to the 64bit version though, for whatever reason. We are sorry for any inconvenience!
- (64bit Beta) 27 January, 2017 Added
  • 64bit Client and server (Crops Growth Fix) - 27 December, 2016 Changes
  • Minor tweaks to the skills progression speeds and stamina they spend.


  • In this patch, we’ve provided a fix to the crops growth algorithm, which was not calculating growth as intended. It now works as intended; crops receive growth increment once sunny weather changes into the shower weather and vice versa. All other types of weather are not taken into account. It takes 4 incrementations before you see the result of the growth (model change).

For more information visit the official announcement. - 23 December, 2016 Added
  • Added Christmas is feudal special set of craftable items - hats, boots and gloves
  • You can now bind yourself to siege tents and keeps. Resurrecting there will significantly decrease your resurrection sickness. Recommended to do only for important warriors in an events involving sieges/raids.
  • Implemented a shiny new GM robe, old GM robe is called "Believer Robe" now.
  • Added new weapon item "Siege Torch". Made with Warfare Engineering from naphtha, required Demolition skill, has normal siege damage
  • Added a loosen snow substance to avoid steep hills being created with snow
  • Added sow, cow and hind wild animals to the game
  • Implemented GM log in Database. May be handy for admins to monitor GMs activity
  • Implemented /JT GM command that allows a GM to jump on certain parts of any terrain. Also implemented /invul command, that grants invulnerability to a GM
  • Adding support of Czech and Korean languages.


  • Torch can now be easily made out of basic materials and does not require naphtha. It does not require Demolition skill and deals VERY low siege damage
  • Decreased wild animals chance to inflict wound/fracture/stun
  • Removed ability to block with a pike
  • Defensive fence: damage now dependent on actual durability instead of objects weight
  • Boar and moose attacks damaging sector/reach increased
  • Entities: loot, dropped objects, tombstones, corpses are excluded from "Inspect Object" ability
  • Shape ability is now back in Material preparation skill.
  • Mortar and pestle can now be crafted with a branch as other primitive tools
  • Players should have a proper invulnerability buff, after log in and recall to home. Effect disappears as soon as player starts movement.


  • Players that have fallen under the terrain should be returned back to the surface automatically
  • Fixed rare crashes on tooltips
  • Fixed formations related bug that could result in a huge defense bonus making player almost invulnerable
  • Fixed GM camera jittering while flying in it
  • Fixed permanently sliding/hanging horses
  • Optimized wild animals navmesh. That should improve performance during maintenance, but might increase new world creation time
  • Fixed emotes sounds
  • Wild animals should be properly animated on steep terrain tiles
- 02 December, 2016 Added
  • To satisfy demands of some users we have added new attack direction bindings in the Controls section of the game. You can bind each directional attack to a separate key. Thrusting with a mouse wheel feels so goood :)
  • Added barefoot effect. You need to wear any type of boots in order to reach fully intended character speed
  • Added a server setting, which can alter the speed of tree growth. It is intended that trees now grow slower. Also, server admins are not required to manually run scripts to remove trees stumps from the gameworld. It is possible to speed up forest growth via two ways:

1. by changing TreeAgingSpeed setting in cm_forest_maintenance.xml before server startup (this will be persistent between server restarts)

2. by changing script variable $ForestMaintenance::treeAgingSpeed via server console (the setting will be reset when you restart the server, may be useful for experimentation)

  • Added a bunch of new ingredients and items for armor crafting abilities: "Make Armor" and "Leatherworking"
  • Added the ability to fight with a spear and shield (Both appropriate skills are required)
  • Added regions and the ability to craft with regional resources has been introduced
  • Implemented new webkit support. We expect that ingame tutorials should work properly and be faster and more stable.


  • Falling damage has been re-enabled. Take care jumping now!
  • Melee attacks with insufficient skill are 25% slower now (instead of 50%)
  • Crops, trees and livestock growth now strictly depends on weather, which in turn depends on the season
  • Buffed passive defense to a maximum of 70% if block is active and a maximum of 50% if the shield is in hand but block is not active
  • The speed that you raise your shield is now dependent on shield weight
  • Crossbows should work more adequately now (reload, shooting, aiming). Crossbow bolts can now be equipped in lower slots.
  • Tweaked throwing weaponry projectile speeds to result in more realistic trajectories
  • New training field model added with tweaked recipes for it
  • Reworked alchemy herbs so they are now easier to spot and target in grass
  • Critical equipment weight is now dependent on Constitution
  • Critical equipped weapon weight is now dependent on Strength
  • Changed parry mechanics. Parrying has a limited duration and stagger chance depending on a weapon’s weight now
  • Veteran and Royal armors are now crafted with blueprints, you can acquire these blueprints by crafting regular armor
  • Some weapons now have a chance to stun or knockout an enemy
  • Stun resistance is now dependent on Willpower
  • Each point of Intelligence now gives 2 skill points
  • The quality of metal items is now dependent on metal type. The highest quality weapon is now possible only using Vostaskus steel.
  • Changes made to some building and item recipes
  • Wild animals now walk and turn properly on terrain with proper animations
  • Copper ingots, bars, lumps excluded from Common metals group
  • Specific metal in some recipes changed to Common metals
  • Quality cap of metal items changed to 60-80-100 (iron - steel - Vostascus steel)


  • Fixed Shield block animation
  • Inventory no longer has magical healing properties for horses
  • Sleeper’s moon night has been removed. Perhaps we’ll see it again …someday
  • Fixed multiple collision related exploits, where players were able to squeeze themselves through closed doors and gates
  • Multiple chat window related fixes and tweaks
  • Recycling of metals now should provide more adequate results
  • Fixed incorrect wild animal AI calculations that caused excessive lag on servers
  • Wild animals’ tracks now correctly lead you to the wild animal
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect weight calculation when moving containers inside your inventory
  • Fixed a rare network related crash
  • Fixed a rare shadows bug, when observing terrain from a high elevation
  • “Pour on ground” ability will only work in a hostile claim area during Judgement Hour
  • Client runs more smoothly when launching and added a splash screen while the client is loading
- 25 November, 2016 Added
  • Added a barefoot effect. You need to wear any type of boots in order to reach fully intended character speed
  • Added a server setting that can alter the speed of tree growth. It is intended that trees now grow slower. Also, server admins are not required to manually run scripts to remove trees stumps from the gameworld
  • Added a bunch of new ingredients and items for armor crafting abilities: "Make Armor" and "Leatherworking"
  • Added the ability to fight with a spear and shield (Both appropriate skills are required)
  • Added regions and the ability to craft with regional resources has been introduced
  • Implemented new webkit support. We expect that ingame tutorials should work properly and be faster and more stable.


  • Falling damage has been re-enabled. Take care jumping now!
  • Melee attacks with insufficient skill are 25% slower now (instead of 50%)
  • Crops, trees and livestock growth now strictly depends on weather, which in turn depends on the season
  • Buffed passive defense to a maximum of 70% if block is active and a maximum of 50% if the shield is in hand but block is not active
  • The speed that you raise your shield is now dependent on shield weight
  • Crossbows should work more adequately now (reload, shooting, aiming). Crossbow bolts can now be equipped in lower slots.
  • Tweaked throwing weaponry projectile speeds to result in more realistic trajectories
  • New training field model added and tweaked recipes for it
  • Reworked alchemy herbs so they are now easier to spot and target in grass
  • Critical equipment weight is now dependent on Constitution
  • Critical equipped weapon weight is now dependent on Strength
  • Changed parry mechanics. Parrying has a limited duration and stagger chance depending on a weapon’s weight now.
  • Veteran and Royal armors are now crafted with blueprints, you can acquire these blueprints by crafting regular armor
  • Some weapons now have a chance to stun or knockout an enemy
  • Stun resistance is now dependent on Willpower
  • Each point of Intelligence now gives 2 skill points
  • The quality of metal items is now dependent on metal type. The highest quality weapon is now possible only using Vostaskus steel.
  • Changes made to some building and item recipes
  • Sleeper’s moon night has been removed. Maybe we’ll see it again …someday


  • Fixed Shield block animation
  • Inventory no longer has magical healing properties for horsesFixed multiple collision related exploits, where players were able to squeeze themselves through closed doors and gates
  • Multiple chat window related fixes and tweaks
  • Fixed incorrect wild animal AI calculations that have caused excessive lag on servers
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect weight calculation when moving containers inside your inventory
  • Fixed a rare network related crash
  • “Pour on ground” ability will only work in a hostile claim area during Judgement Hour
  • Client runs more smoothly when launching and added a splash screen while the client is loading - 31 October, 2016 Added
  • Implemented completely new AI behavior and spawning algorithms. Animals should be able to follow you inside buildings, not get stuck between trees, spawn better with less bugs and generally work more adequately, with better performance server side
  • Implemented a new forest growth algorithm. Bush growth is taken into account and the overall performance of growing forests should be improved. The visual aspect of the growth should look better too. Overall speed of forest growth has also been significantly lowered
  • Added Sleeper’s moon visuals. Wolves have demonic eyes now too
  • Added new ability - gathering nuts, which will appear as an inventory item


  • Cells blocked by buildings/tunnels/forest visualization is now client side only. It should increase the performance of ‘Observe Mode’ and make it more responsive
  • Primitive cooking recipes now available for the big cauldron and kitchen
  • Grass will not grow under buildings, around tunnels and on cells that are blocked by construction or tunnels


  • Fixed a notorious and elusive bug with tanning tubs and drying racks being bugged out in certain unusual circumstances. This may hopefully also fix similar bugs with campfires and other objects that have lengthy crafting processes
  • Players are now spawned exactly at the same coordinates they logged off from. This is to prevent exploits, which allowed players to log out near castle walls, only to appear on top of it after logging back in
  • Multiple fixes for improper movable objects positioning/drop
  • Traps no longer disable invulnerable players (I.E. spawning on top of the trap)
  • Fixed mines for copper ability duration
  • Some other minor fixes
- 07 October, 2016 Added
  • Implemented completely new AI behavior and spawn algorithms. Animals should be able to follow you inside buildings, not get stuck between trees, spawn better with less bugs and generally work more adequately, with better performance server side
  • Implemented a new forest growth algorithm. Bush growth is taken into account and the overall performance of growing forests should be better now. The visual aspect of the growth should look better too. Overall speed of forest growth has also been significantly lowered
  • Added new ability - gathering nuts, which will appear as an inventory item
  • Primitive cooking recipes now available on the big cauldron and kitchen


  • Cells blocked by buildings/tunnels/forest visualization is now client side only. It should increase the performance of ‘Observe Mode’ and make it more responsive


  • Fixed a notorious and elusive bug with tanning tubs and drying racks being bugged out in certain unusual circumstances. This might also fix similar bugs with campfires and other objects that have lengthy crafting processes
  • Players are now spawned exactly at the same coordinates they logged off from. This is to prevent exploits, which allowed players to log out near castle walls, only to appear on top of it after logging back in
  • Multiple fixes for improper movable objects positioning/drop
  • Traps no longer disable invulnerable players (just spawned on the trap)
  • Fixed mine for copper ability duration
  • Some other minor fixes
[] - 13 September, 2016 Fixed
  • This small fix addresses issues with certain doors not working and also some castle wall collision issues.
[] - 13 September, 2016 Added
  • Added some more minor visual effects and improvements
  • Added new trophies (boar, wolf, bull)


  • Reworked the HDR system completely. Make sure to try playing with different settings in the Video options menu
  • Nights have become darker now. Be sure to wield a torch before you go for a wander
  • Eye adaptation effect has been implemented. You can see it while entering or leaving buildings or darker parts of world
  • Ambient lighting has been tweaked to provide better visual quality in shaded areas
  • Increased warehouses window size for easier inventory management
  • Repair ability duration changed from 5 seconds to 10-8 seconds
  • Fortifications are harder to repair now
  • Large repair kits are now 10x more effective than the small one
  • Reworked some existing models: Campfire, Forge and anvil, Potter's wheel, Quern, Deer Trophy, Masterwork vase, Vase, Winepress, Stone wall sections, Wooden wall sections, Loom, Bed, Bench, Chair, Decorated bed, Expensive bench, Table, Wall Shelf, Sleeping Bag, Throne, Wooden mill, Big Plaster house


  • Provided a couple of serious client side optimizations, which should increase your FPS in crowded areas
  • Some potential/rare crashes have been fixed
  • Fixed a vulnerability that allowed game servers to be crashed remotely (“Death Star” found by Alakar)
  • Short Pike and Long Pike "wall of pikes" attacks now works as intended
[] - 19 August, 2016 Changes
  • Increased speed of Maul and Sledge Hammer slightly
  • Slightly increased damage of Nordic Sword
  • Slightly nerfed damage of the following weapons: Battle Axe, Nordic Axe, War Axe, Cudgel, Flanged Mace, Morning Star, War Piсk, Light Sabre, Falchion


  • Armor can now be properly crafted
  • Fixed one of the frequent crashes
  • Piercing weapons combos fixed
  • F3 button should be properly bind now by default
[] - 18 August, 2016 Added
  • Implemented new Observe mode that can be enabled by hitting F3 (by default). You can now see terrain tiles altitude and block status while moving.
  • Buildings that were destroyed by decay or by siege damage now destroy all movable object on/inside those buildings. Items that were inside those buildings and movable containers are being dropped into ruins, but partially lost during collapse.
  • Server admins can now setup telnet remote connection to their server console by typing telnetSetParameters(#port#, "fullAccessPass", "readOnlyPass");


  • Updated wooden keep model


  • Managed to achieve a significant server side performance boost
  • Fixed a couple of model collision meshes to be more adequate
  • Fixed an overpowered “lance-slashing” combat technique that resulted in enormous amounts of damage
  • Creating screenshots should no longer slightly freeze your client
[] - 29 July, 2016 Fixed
  • Fixed terraforming related tunneling dupe
  • Fixed substance dupe when using fertilizer
  • Fixed rendering of particles when the particles’ source is moving
  • Fixed some objects that were impossible to place/drop if they were damaged
  • Server should no longer crash when trying to destroy your own building on your guild’s claim
  • You can rotate the trebuchet properly now
  • Fixed damaged sapper charge to now blow up with enormous power
  • You can upgrade all guild monuments properly now
[] (Quickfix) - 22 July, 2016 Fixed
  • Fixed moveable objects self blocking problem, where you could insert one object into another, which resulted in both objects becoming blocked from movement.
[] - 22 July, 2016 Added
  • Implemented a physics model approximation for movable objects. You can no longer hang them in the air or place inside other objects or walls. Objects without collisions (decorations mostly) do not follow these rules and still can be hung in the air. Objects in destroyed buildings will still hang in the air. We will properly make fall/destruction of such objects in a next patch
  • Implemented new rolling wind feature ( along with multiple groundcover (grass, rocks and crops) optimization
  • Every building now has siege damage resistance, depending on its type. Fortifications, for example, have higher resistance than civilian buildings
  • Added new objects: Wooden wall square, Wooden wall defences, Wooden wall 45degL, Wooden wall 45degr, Walls with loopholes
  • Added GM Robe (ID=1379)


  • Decreased all abilities progress multipliers (20/30/45/60 percent for 1/2/3/4 tier skills). Demolition skill rises faster now
  • Updated prices and weights of different objects
  • Clay has a lower height difference coefficient now. You will not be able to terraform steep terrain walls with clay no more
  • Tweaked repair kit prices and repair kits prices during repair process. Repair kit quality now affects repair process speed
  • Updated wheelbarrows and carts movement speeds accordingly
  • Reworked and optimized particles system for better quality and performance
  • Herbal garden harvest decreased(40->10). Herbal garden progress no longer resets after server restart
  • Beehives no longer collect honey from loosened soils (which have no grass or flowers)
  • Updated old objects: Wooden barbacan, Wooden gate, Wooden wall
  • Reworked terrain textures (more details and better quality)


  • Fixed antidote mechanics. It now properly removes poisons and provides poison immunity depending on poison and antidote magnitudes. Maximum poison duration is now 10 seconds
  • Fixed bug with incorrect poison magnitude calculation while stacking them in inventory
  • Poled melee weapons now properly track shaft and blade hitting nodes simultaneously
  • Fixed melee weapons passing and damaging through walls
  • Fixed a bug, which allowed a player to change guild’s heraldry multiple times while in game
  • When leader of a guild changes, roles are set properly now both for new leader and old one
  • Fixed sudden death while jumping on a gatehouse
  • Piercing bolt and stopping power crossbow abilities can no longer be applied on the same bolt
  • Working tanning tubs and drying racks can now react properly on abilities
  • Abilities can now be interrupted by a successful shield bash
  • Fixed arrows getting stuck in the water
  • Fixed a couple of bugs, where tools would not lose their durability
  • Soil and other terrain substances can now be properly dropped outside of inventory, ignoring other windows on HUD
  • Fixed a server crash while blessing other player that disconnects during the process
  • Ctrl + H no longer resets font size settings in GUIs
  • God’s mercy blessing will not be removed when logging back in after a disconnect
  • Optimized video memory usage
  • Fixed crash during client disconnect
[] (Hotfix) - 18 May, 2016 Fixed
  • Fixed character selection error
[] - 18 May, 2016 Fixed
  • Fixed few rare client crash fixes
[] - 06 May, 2016 Fixed
  • Fixed major amount of client side crashes
[] - 29 April, 2016 Added
  • Beta patches,, and [see relevant Version histories below for patch notes]


  • Updated Steam achievements to match new skill tree
  • Lowered damage for some OP weapons and tools
  • Updated some textures
- [] 27 April, 2016 Added
  • Implemented an ability, which allows you to sit on chairs, benches, thrones and other ‘sittable’ objects
  • Added some more sounds for different actions


  • Fixed server crashes, which were caused by animal traps, gatehouse doors and death in water
  • Fixed brewing exceptional chance calculation formula
  • Fixed a bug, which manipulated the quality of items from Coops and other harvestable/cleanable items
- [] 18 April, 2016 Added
  • Implemented fully automatic skill conversion from the older skill tree to the new one. You can load your old worlds in the beta branch now and your character skills will be converted
  • Added some missing inventory item icons
  • Added scrollbar to the Skill book


  • Adjusted some sound event occurrences and added some new sounds
  • Adjusted starting skills in the character creation dialogue


  • Fixed a ground substance dupe exploit via herbalism abilities
  • Fixed inadequate durability damage while parrying with some weapons
  • Fixed a terrain texture glitch that appeared in some cases
- [] 8 April, 2016 Added
  • Implemented guild Heraldry. Guild leaders can now design their own heraldry symbols via the Guild monument menu. Tabards can now be crafted via Tailoring skill. Tabards and shields are painted automatically with the heraldry of player wielding them
  • Added triplanar texturing for terrain. You should notice some terrain texture quality increases. We’re still working on the quality of terrain textures
  • Added more animations for some crafting abilities
  • Added a glow in the health and stamina bars when they change their values


  • Completely reworked Crafting and Combat skill trees. We’ve changed them to be more adequate in terms of logical progression
  • Pikes and lances have had their firing timer increased. This means that it will be easier to hit with these weapons now, since their active state (couched, when it can deal damage) will last longer
  • It is easier to hit with a warcry now, since it affects the target closest to your crosshair in a small sector


  • Pikes should now properly stop horses if hit
  • Fixed parrying view vector calculations. You should parry more effectively now if you’re facing the direction of a blow
  • Shields now absorb all damage if you’re in an active block and facing your opponent
  • Fixed some rampant client crashes
  • Fixed a bug, which caused some trees and objects to become invisible on the client side
  • Finally fixed the blinking sky visual bug on all video cards
  • Created a proper warning when trying to launch the client on a DirectX 11 incompatible video card
  • Optimized the trees collision model. It should demand less calculations both on server and client side
  • All mouse buttons can now be bound properly
  • Fixed a couple of rendering bugs
  • Fixed antialiasing settings in video settings menu
  • Fixed a video memory leak
[] - 16 March, 2016 Added
  • Added some environmental and character jumping sounds
  • Added alchemy ingredients inventory tooltips. You can now see what effects are unlocked for your character not only via alchemy screen


  • Slightly Increased war stance sprinting speed
  • Tweaked ranged weaponry and bombs a little


  • Greatly reduced “morning lag”, which mostly happened to trees growth calculations. Stay tuned for our new trees growth algorithm that should eliminate necessity for server admins to reduce trees amount in their worlds manually.
  • Fixed a server crash related with wild animals AI
  • Eliminated sky flickering, which happened on some hardware
  • Fixed some GUI disappearance bugs
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the ability to place furniture on the higher floors of your buildings
  • Fixed a bug where you could “overrepair” your weapons with “Maintain” ability
[] (Slow Fix) - 25 February, 2016 Fixed
  • Fixed problem where players could gather large amounts of herbs from herbal gardens
  • Fixed some problems with trees and crop growth
[] (Hot Fix) - 20 February, 2016 Fixed
  • Fixed ‘soapy’ textures appearing randomly during gameplay
  • Minimize the occurrence of colored sky on ATI video cards.
[] (Season Patch) - 20 February, 2016 Added
  • Added visible changes for all four in-game seasons
  • Added many decorative objects that can be used to increase the beauty of your settlement
  • Added a herbal garden, which can be used to grow certain types of herbs
  • Implemented auto-repeat functionality in most crafting abilities. You can modify a certain tag (autocraft - possible/always/none) in skill_types.xml
  • Provided more rendering optimization (mostly forest related)
  • Added more visually appealing wind effects on trees
  • You can unequip an item with a double click
  • You can now move items quickly in Alchemy window via Ctrl+Click


  • Tweaked the amount of white meat gained from rabbits and chicken
  • Updated multiple architecture models (Kitchen, Carpenter’s Shop, Warehouse etc.)
  • Minor weapons tweaks
  • AI animals passability map format


  • Particles now use GPU instead of CPU. This should provide a significant boost of frame rates in most cases
  • Significantly optimized horse collision detection model. This should provide a significant performance boost on servers and clients
  • Fixed tunnel materials generation bug
  • Fixed tunnel selection functionality (when holding Right Mouse button and targeting a tunnel wall)
  • Object demolition that results in ruins should no longer significantly freeze a server
  • Horse movement should look smooth now
  • Piercing bolt ability does no longer allow to shoot through obstacles
  • Volley ability AoE area is now correctly displayed (arrows will actually hit that area now)
  • Fixed alchemy achievement (Herbalist-Chemist) incorrect calculations. Players are able to properly unlock that achievement now
  • Multiple GUI fixes
  • Fixed inventory icon positions being shifted in certain conditions
  • A proper message will appear if you don’t have enough arrows while triggering Volley ability
  • Weight limit no longer applies on players in GM mode
  • An unfinished Monument will no longer decay at a fast rate
[] (Crash Hotfix) - 28 January, 2016 Fixed
  • Fixed one particular crash circumstance
[] (Crash Patch) - 28 January, 2016 Added
  • Added sorting in crafting and building/objects construction dialogues
  • Implemented borderless fullscreen video option
  • Added Polish localization


  • Boosted formations, increasing their size. Bonuses in a full 10 man unit can be up to +50%!
  • Lowered bleeding rates
  • Boosted almost all one-handed weapons damage rates
  • Maul attack speed animation reduced (mauls will be slower now)
  • Guild name and title are now shown in a character screen (P)
  • Some crafting actions now check ingredients prerequisites before actually starting crafting ability
  • Sling maximum accuracy slightly tweaked
  • Unsuccessful taming ability still increases your skill


  • Fixed stacking luck bonuses bugs
  • Numerous GUI appearance and logic fixes
  • Fixed the rare occasion of some characters being unable to join the game, and crashing server during attempt
  • Fixed a bug that showed some of campfires as “broken”
  • Fixed music soundtrack switching rules
  • Ctrl + Click can now be used again to move items to barter window
  • GUI windows that are outside of the game screen will be shown back on the screen
[] (Sprint Patch) - 30 December, 2015 Added
  • Added Polish language localization


  • Sprinting cooldowns are now scaled along with Agility stat. Higher agility rates allows you to sprint longer and more often now.
  • Tweaked blocking and parrying speeds slightly


  • You can now max out stats and skills completely without decimal restrictions
  • Torch particle emitter works fine now after your draw your torch
  • Groundcover objects (grass, crops) now properly casts shadows
  • Audio settings menu no longer disables sound of rain
  • Some minor art fixes and corrections
[] - 24 December, 2015 Added
  • Implemented advanced weather effects including wind affecting trees. Each season will have a certain set of different weather types and each weather type affects the growth rates of trees, cattle and farm harvesting yields. WARNING snow and rain particles can reduce FPS rates on weaker video cards - you can disable them in the Video Options menu.
  • Piles of snow are now randomly created in the world during snowy weather (can be disabled via server config). They will melt away during other types of weather, or you can remove them via your terraforming abilities and use the snow as a crafting material for snowballs and snowmen!
  • Added motion capture animations of movements with different types of weapons and some other war stance movements
  • Implemented large animal traps. Once triggered by stepping on them, players, horses and wild animals receive a moderate amount of damage and are rooted for a short duration of time. Watch your step now!
  • Added mass production recipes for charcoal, glass and linen


  • Changed sprinting in war stance mechanics. Duration of sprint is now limited and there is a short cooldown before you can sprint again. From now on you should consider sprint as a short situational dash, rather than something you would constantly use in combat.
  • Tweaked ballistics of some ranged weaponry, including fire arrows damage versus stone buildings
  • You can now rotate the camera while sitting, resting or yielding by holding the “V” button
  • Tracking now provides visible footsteps. You can now distinguish by the track the type of animal you are going to find.
  • Updated multiple art assets and added craftable snowballs and snowmen that can be used for fun or to craft snow fortresses! ;)


  • Fixed multiple client side crashes (expect more fixes coming out “soon™”)
  • Fixed 1st and 3rd person camera view behavior in some situations
  • Fixed network code related bugs where you could see horses and players rubberbanding and jittering for no apparent reason
  • Multiple render and visualization related Fixed
  • Fixed some Guild Monument interaction bugs
  • Prayer of home return should no longer spawn you on the roof if you have a bed inside the house
  • Warhorses can now be properly acquired via GM commands. Horses now breed in stables properly.
  • Fixed a bug where some dialogue windows disappeared while still waiting for user action
  • You no longer need to manually return to a war stance after you have ran out of breath while in combat
  • Fixed terraforming related dupe bug
  • Fixed selection targeting issues mostly related with trees selection/highlight
[] - 24 November, 2015 Fixed
  • Fix for numerous client crashes
  • Fix for black textures on terrain
  • Numerous other small to medium Fixed


  • Improvement to FPS rates in some scenes
  • Quality settings of water and shadow shaders will require a client restart now in order to be applied properly
[] (Second Aid) - 19 November, 2015 Fixed
  • Fix of rendering glitches
  • Fix of some of the crashes that users have experienced on some hardware
  • Increased performance
  • Partially fix for black terrain textures
[] (First Aid) - 18 November, 2015 Fixed
  • Fix for server crashes when wild animals are enabled
  • Minor Fixed
[] (Release) - 17 November, 2015

Early Access Alpha Release[ | ]

Client Version Server Version Release Date Content
[] (Hotfix) - 21 October, 2015 Added
  • Added some additional debug info about local servers that are unable to start properly.


  • Fixed disappearing hotbar
  • Fixed multiple crashes
[] - 14 October, 2015 Added
  • Implemented “disconnect” button, that allows you to disconnect from a certain server in order to connect to another
  • Added some additional logging to local server start process in order to fix issues that prevent some players to start a local world properly


  • Significantly reduced visual movement lag of other players and animals
  • Fixed local server start sequence with specified password or custom port.
  • Guild members’ personal claims can now be overridden by a Guild Leader, if claimed objects are on the claimed land
  • Cocktails and preparations can now be properly traded via barter dialogue without losing their effects
  • Fixed cow/bull ratio while breeding them in stables
  • Fixed blessings to work properly now
  • Using a lance in combat will raise the Lancing skill now, instead of Mounted Fighting Mastery
  • Equip maintain ability now works on throwing weapons
  • Debug render is now allowed only for GMs
  • Volley stamina drain fixed
  • You can now fertilize soil tiles up to 100Q with 100Q Dung
  • You will now receive alert messages while trespassing on a mount
  • Kiln Bellows can now be blown by anyone
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed players to raise Warhorse handling without spending anything
  • Fixed bug that provided a pupil with a skill when mentor had a lower amount of that skill himself
  • Fixed orange angel wings (2 saws with orange texture equipped on the back)
  • Diagonal walls blocked tiles pattern changed (removed unnecessary blocked tile)


  • Resources that grow on trees (branches, apples, bark etc.) are now properly replenished every game day
  • Quality growth while breeding animals is reduced
[] - 06 October, 2015 Added
  • Implemented a player to player direct trading(barter) system. Kudos to Basil!
  • ‘Pour on the ground’ can now be done without a shovel, but it will take 50% more time
  • Added straw as an edible food in stables, removed taproot as an edible in stables. Lowered the amount of apples on trees. Added some new random player spawn points to decrease the possibility of spawning in the same spot.


  • Ranged weaponry now properly loses durability in combat
  • You should no longer be able to shoot through thin walls and that also should fix pike attack damage detection
  • maxHeight for movable objects now works properly inside houses and other buildings
  • Hand of Boris and Hand of Ilias should no longer appear in your inventory while increasing/decreasing Unarmed Mastery skill
  • You can interact with dead animals on the shore now
  • You can no longer bless yourself
  • Localized voice over sounds should work properly now
  • Ranged weapons now drain stamina properly
  • Multiple shield blocking related fixes
  • Torches now deal damage to claimed buildings inside claims, while JH is active
  • Added short timeouts to most actions, to avoid spamming on server side and other clients
  • You can no longer shoot, if you don’t have ammo
  • Gamepad developer binds were removed
  • Character health is no longer 100/100 when connecting and should show a correct values


  • Reworked local server start mechanism completely. You should encounter minimal problems if any at all while performing this action. If you still experience problems while starting local world, please do not hesitate to send a report, when you’re prompted to do so.
  • Boosted armor to be more effective against certain types of damage and be slightly more vulnerable against other types
  • First and 3rd person view cameras should act properly now and avoid “inside mesh” rendering
  • Reworked the skill progression formula towards planned concept of fast 30, 60 lvl progression, normal 90 lvl progression and INSANELY hard progression to 100 lvl of a skill. We will observe your feedback along with server side logs to tune that formula more precisely at a later stage
  • Many melee weapons have been rebalanced
  • Poisons and poisoned weapons nerfed significantly
  • Empty bottles should stay in your Inventory after drinking a cocktail
  • Amount of crop yields has been doubled
  • Non-tunneling terraforming actions are now available on claims during JH
  • Create campfire - Create camp, ability renamed, new possibilities added
  • Updated probability of finding wild plants
  • Decreased growth of oak and pine trees
  • Lowered probability of snares catching hares and grouses. We plan to fix/boost in coop breeding speed of rabbits and chickens to compensate that.
[] - 18 September, 2015 Added
  • You can now switch interface language via Esc menu -> Controls -Interface tab. You’ll need to restart your client to see changes.
  • Optimized and tweaked the networking system. You should experience smoother movement of other players, animals and horses on your screen. Your feedback will be much appreciated!
  • Implemented Training dummy and Archery range target functionality. You can hit them with your weapons to raise your combat skills now.
  • Windmills can now be used to grind wheat “en masse”
  • You can use torches as siege weaponry to damage some small or medium buildings in melee range
  • Implemented a proper “Prayer for Homecoming” mechanic. You will now appear on a bed inside your house, rather than on the roof. Time to place some beds inside your home and don’t forget about the Feng shui system while doing this :)


  • Reduced probability of random events while travelling and performing abilities.
  • Fixed a crash on client exit
  • 3rd person view camera should no longer shake with player animations
  • Amount of containers (200+ pouches) in your inventory should no longer prevent you from connecting the game
  • Incomplete construction sites and ruins now decay properly. Small objects (campfires, furnaces etc) do not leave ruins now.
  • You can now open containers inside building containers (for instance: open a bag, that is lying inside a warehouse)
  • While carrying a large movable object on your back, entering a war stance will make you drop that object instantly
  • Shield bash of a mounted player no longer provides any harmful effects with an infinite duration
  • “No more ammo” message will arrive properly now to receiver
  • Fixed bow reload speed decreasing while leveling your skill above 30
  • “God’s Love” blessing stacking has been removed and you can no longer bless yourself while within the group
  • A proper message should appear while inviting an offline player to a unit
  • Pike slide message spam has been removed
  • Implemented and updated a couple of sounds
  • Added emotes cooldown
  • Coop and stable windows that failed to reappear after some extended use are now fixed
[] - 09 September, 2015 Added
  • Implemented random events functionality. Now, while walking in peace mode or performing different crafting actions, there is a certain chance that a random event will occur. Most of them are harmless and designed to increase your immersion - some of them are positive, while some can be negative and even harmful! Server admins can tweak chances of such events occurring by tweaking world config:
  • Implemented body turning inertia. You can no longer instantly make a 180 degree turn. The weight of your equipment affect your turning speed. So a full plate warrior will turn significantly slower than a person not wearing armor.
  • Added some realism to swimming mechanics. While swimming on the surface, you will drain your Hard Stamina. While diving underwater, your soft Stamina will be drained (quite fast). If you deplete either of those stamina pools while in the water - you’re dead. The weight of your equipment and Swimming skill value affects how fast these stamina pools will be drained while swimming.
  • Implemented new /stuck mechanic. It should free your character if you get into a situation where you cannot move
  • Added/fixed Permadeath world mode. Any character that dies in that mode will be completely removed from the server and you will have to create a new one from the scratch
  • Added/fixed Colonization world mode. The aim of that mode is to build a Large Keep as soon as possible. After that, the game turns into sandbox mode.


  • Fixed a very elusive bug that prevented some players from interacting properly with objects within the game. Many thanks to Doğan Kuray Güler, Malus, Derek Cassady and Airborne for really helping us fight it!
  • A proper horse carcass is now spawned upon rideable horse death
  • Fixed a client crash that would sometimes occur while interacting with a hotbar
  • Fixed a minor bug where dung quality was calculated improperly if all animals inside coop/barn/stable are dead
  • Multiple minor Fixed


  • Tweaked range and trajectory of ranged weapons projectiles.
[] (Hotfix) - 21 August, 2015 This current hotfix is dedicated to address a recent rampaging client crash and combat “morning lag” during server morning maintenance.
[] - 20 August, 2015 Added
  • Mentoring for crafting skills and Drill for combat skills are implemented. You need to build a school that will allow one teacher to mentor/drill up to 5 students per in game day
  • Implemented all mounted and verus mounted abilities and functionality. Inspect your Skill book for details and corresponding abilities
  • Implemented “Coup de Grace” ability to finish off unconscious players
  • Implemented a proper repair ability for inventory objects (weapons, armor, tools). It demands some repair kits, but does not lower Maximum Durability that much
  • Implemented “Set Up” ability in the Combat Preparations skill. It allows you to place Defensive anti-cavalry fences before a fight. Galloping horses will be heavily damaged or killed if they hit this spiked fence.
  • Wild animals are now spawned according to their biomes (wild horses on grasslands, predators in woods etc.)
  • Implemented a proper “Remove Ruins”, which will allow you to remove ruins faster and salvage some materials out of them
  • Added some sounds for different ingame events


  • Fixed a serious GUI bug when closing dialog message with the [x] button that prevented the appearance of new dialog messages
  • Fixed some bugged house and wicket models that prevented you from entering
  • Multiple client side crashes fixedWild animals should no longer be spawned in or run too deep into water
  • Lowering Voice chat volume should no longer lower volume of in game sounds (footsteps, animals etc.)
  • Fixed AZERTY keyboard related bug with inability to rebind some key bindings
  • Fixed an issue with some Yes/No messages and localization
  • Fixed some GUI window related bugs that prevented them from being properly closed
  • Fixed beehive related bugs and minor exploits


  • Tweaked building abilities, so you can initiate construction on a wider variety of ground types (paved road, rock fragments etc.)
  • Tweaked “Coward!” warcry. It no longer causes a knockdown (only stagger), chance of occurrence is lowered, penalty for shooting accuracy of a victim increased.
  • Corrected all in game messages according to proper English language rules
[] (Character customization) - 4 August, 2015 Added
  • Partially implemented Character customization system, including female models and reworked male models. Unfortunately, there is no customization available for existing characters. You can create new characters with customization and ask your server admin to copy “appearance” column data from the new character onto the existing one in the server’s Database.
  • Added bow and crossbow special powers. Inspect your Skill book for details and corresponding abilities
  • Implemented Primary combat skill - War cries. Inspect your Skill book for details and corresponding abilities
  • Added multiple mounted and unmounted abilities and functionality. Inspect your Skill book for details and corresponding abilities
  • Implemented Secondary combat skill - Equipment maintain. Inspect your Skill book for details and corresponding abilities
  • Implemented Secondary combat skill - Battle Survival. Inspect your Skill book for details and corresponding abilities
  • Fully implemented Secondary crafting skill - Piety. Inspect your Skill book for details and corresponding abilities. All Pope/Cardinal related mechanics will be developed later after release of LiF:YO.
  • After 3 consecutive knockouts you will receive an option to refuse fighting for your life and die. Implemented that feature as a counter to a knockout “rez-killing”
  • “Floating log” problem is solved. Server admin can tweak new server setting in world configuration file: movableMaxDropHeightMeters It allows you to restrict the ability of players to hang logs, furniture and other movable objects in the air
  • Different types of animals can now be found in different biomes (wolves in woods, horses on grasslands etc.)
  • Destroyed unmovable objects leave ruins now. Players need to clean/remove them if they want to use that land again. Ruins decay slower that normal buildings.
  • You can now save, load and create new GUI presets via “Controls” option of a menu
  • Horse weight now affect its trample power, speed and other attributes
  • You can no longer use throwable weaponry while mounted
  • Naphtha Pots now require 90 Throwing skill in order to use them
  • Closing gatehouse gates can now kill mounted, dismounted players and their horses if they are not careful ;)


  • Fixed a serious bug that prevented creation/loading of local worlds
  • Fixed client crash upon exit that left client process to hang indefinitely. Some other crashes are possible, but should appear less often
  • Fixed multiple client side crashes
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed multiple players to harvest crops from the same field simultaneously and receive double or triple yields
  • Animals should no longer appear under water
  • You can no longer train warhorses out of any domesticated animals (including hares and chicks :) )
  • Ctrl+Click on equipped item no longer causes a crash
  • Hotbar with equipment bound to them no longer resets that equipment
  • Fixed bug where effects were not properly stripped after being dead
  • Added some missing sounds
  • You can no longer place items into Evil tombstones
  • Fixed a bug that used the wrong tool while crafting something in a Blacksmith’s shop
  • Fixed incorrect display of ore amounts while melting something in Bloomeries and other similar situations
  • Getting hit while blocking with certain weapons will no longer cause you take extremely high damage
  • You no longer will be endlessly stunned in some situations
  • You can no longer level up your skills on unconscious players. Training dummies and archery range implementation is coming soon.
  • Left thigh/shin reporting wrong hit locations is fixed
  • Fixed multiple horse related crashes and bugs
  • You can no longer loot yourself while knocked out or dead
  • Fixed bug where different armor types on feet and legs gave the wrong skill type raise when hit
  • Fixed bug where parrying weapons with zero skill caused big damage
  • “Do not show this message” checkbox should save its properties properly now
  • Server now properly cleans up previous versions of passability maps for AI
[] - 1 July, 2015 Added
  • Mounted combat is implemented. You can use any one handed or Hand-and-a-half weaponry while mounted to slash your foes!
  • Lancing is implemented. Lance is the only two handed weapon that can be used while mounted. In order to properly use your lance, you have to coach it by reaching a galloping speed of your horse and holding the Attack button (Left Mouse Button by default). Make sure to release your attack button just before an impact of your lance with your enemy to actually couch it with a full force for a short period of time.
  • Pike and polearm weapons now have more stopping power vs mounted players forcing their horses rear on their hind legs. That can cause a forced dismount of a rider
  • Added tooltips for abilities in the Skill book and Hotbar
  • Unarmed combat mode is activated instantly after depleting all throwable weapons ammo
  • Ctrl+click in inventory will transfer a targeted item in your previously opened container. For instance, open your Inventory, open your warehouse, Ctrl + click a couple of items in the warehouse * and they will be moved to your inventory. No drag’n’drop is required. We will disable that functionality for loot bags and gravestones in next patches in order to make combat looting and quick loot longer and harder.
  • Alt+click on an item in container will autostack all similar items into one pile only inside that container
  • Player velocity is now taken in account for throwing and ranged weaponry. For instance Javelin will fly further if you run forward while throwing it


  • Fixed a client side crash that prevented users from training warhorses
  • Visible terrain seams should no longer be that visible anymore
  • Knocked down characters now drop movable objects that they were carrying on their backs
  • Inventory and Character GUI windows are now properly updated if any values are dynamically changed during gameplay
  • Health and Stamina rates of players that you are inviting to a unit are not visible anymore, until they actually accept that invitation
  • Watching someone attacking shortly after drawing weapon now doesn't result in playing a bunch of draw animations
  • Sounds should no longer loop infinitely at random places
  • Fixed and added a couple of sounds for different action
  • Fixed incorrect doubling of weight, when moving whole containers (bag, sack, pouch etc.) in inventory
  • Fixed a bug when you could parry with ranged weapons
  • Some more minor Fixed
[] (Beehive Patch) - 11 June, 2015 Added
  • Added player arm hit detection system that works while performing swings with any weapons
  • Added beehives mechanics. Honey can now be extracted from beehives every morning. More about beehives: [
  • Implemented mead alcohol production
  • Added Bondage


  • Repair ability no longer decreases Maximum durability of buildings and objects
  • Any 2 handed pole weapon can now be disarmed with unarmed combat
  • Changed camera behavior on horses, on foot and in “overlook mode” (hold V)
  • Weight of Cart, Wheelbarrow and Trader cart is lower (95000, 60000, 250000)
  • Weight of Wool cloth is lower (2000)
  • Now needs less Wool packs for Hank of wool (6)
  • Now needs less Hank of wool for Wool cloth (8)


  • Provided a fix for random crashes while connecting and loading other worlds
  • Fixed bleeding wounds blood loss speed to more adequate levels
  • Horses should properly execute walking and running animations now
  • Fixed client crash related with invitation to guild
  • Horse sounds should no longer loop after its death
[] (Horse Patch) - 04 June, 2015 Added
  • Horses mechanics are partially released. You can tame and breed horses and use a new building to train them into warhorses for riding
  • Unarmed combat is implemented. It is available for everyone, but it can only be somewhat effective with a high level of Unarmed skill. Disarming of polearm weapons with unarmed parrying has been implemented
  • Alcohol brewing crafting chain is implemented. Look out for new Brewing tank object in your construction menu
  • The cooking pot can be used to produce malt for further beer brewing in a Brewing tank
  • Cocktails (ex. potions) will now give positive or negative effects upon drinking and can be used to poison your melee weapons
  • Placeholder alcohol intoxication (“Full”) visual effect implemented
  • Some crafting outfits now provide a significant bonus to several crafting skill values
  • Luck now can be increased by wearing jewelry. Luck affects almost all crafting and combat abilities and actions now
  • Tamable wild horses now appear in the wilderness


  • You need any bottle of alcohol now to finish creation of your alchemy potion. Alchemy potions are now called “cocktails”


  • Fixed a recent bug with some terrain textures appearing black and some fields becoming paved roads and vice versa. Server maintenance must be performed to have these textures fixed
  • Fixed bug that allowed you to stack unit formation bonuses that resulted in an imbalanced amount of positive effects
  • Fixed camera bobbing in some cases, especially during melee combat
  • Fixed some cases where you were unable to see the blocking/parrying animation of your enemy properly
  • Numerous minor fixes
[] (Proper patching) - 22 May, 2015 Added
  • Implemented a proper (proper for LiF:YO scale) patching system. Client loading times should decrease significantly, and rely more now on internet connection speed
  • Implemented an accurate naphtha explosion physics model. Multiple fragments can hit multiple body parts, depending on proximity to the epicenter of explosion and cover that might block shrapnel
  • Implemented proper stamina consumption for shield bash, parry and blocking


  • Shields should now properly absorb damage and crack faster under axe-like weapon blows
  • Active blocking and parrying should properly slow the player now
  • Pounce (jump on shield) can now be activated only if you are wielding 2-handed axes or polearms
  • Shield bash now prevents character from moving, can not be performed while jumping
  • Some minor fixes for the trebuchet interface and operation
  • All crafting activities drop their results on the floor if your character is overburdened, instead of consuming resources and producing nothing
  • Wild hares and domesticated rabbits now drop proper amounts of ingredients upon being slaughtered
  • You can no longer heal already dead characters ;)
  • Fixed a bug that occasionally removed some tree collisions
  • Fixed the scale of some arrows and throwable projectiles
  • Numerous other minor bugfixes


  • Shield bash can now be performed only with Shield Mastery lvl 60 and higher
  • Now you recieve 12 nails instead of 10 with common bars not lumps
[] (Decay and health loss) - 30 April, 2015 Added
  • Implemented the first siege weapon - Trebuchet. Make sure you have at least 50 Intelligence in order to use it effectively ;) You can read more about its mechanics on our Wiki
  • Implemented throwing weapons: knives, axes and javelins.


  • Mallet now loses durability while being used for pavement
  • All crafting devices are now properly damaged while using them
  • Smelting steel without a crucible and tongs is no longer allowed
  • Crafting of Metal Bands should no longer consume metal if you don’t have a blacksmith’s Hammer equipped
  • “Melt” and “Recycle” buttons are only active when there is something to melt or recycle
  • Wild animal skinning ingredients are no longer capped at 50 Quality
  • All crafting results are now capped by a Real skill Value of a corresponding crafting skill
  • Already completed objects no longer use their contents if completed again in GM mode
[] (Bugfixing Patch) - 20 April, 2015 Fixed
  • Increased server stability by fixing a couple of critical bugs
  • Numerous gameplay related bugfixes


  • Reworked different objects prices for sacrifice and some linen recipes
[] (Bughunter Patch) - 10 April, 2015 Added
  • Added a bunch of new GM Mode commands


  • Fixed a major bug in the objects states subsystem. Tanning tubs and other objects should work smooth and correctly now. Don’t tell us otherwise, please!
  • Fixed a bug that had caused some player animations not to play properly or be interrupted
  • You should no longer see render bugs on some animals (headless wolves, bear legs only etc.)
  • Multiple craft related bugs fixed
  • Multiple other minor Fixed and minor correction of gameplay formulas
[] (IGM Patch) - 01 April, 2015 Added
  • Implemented Improved Graphics Mode © (Press [Alt] + [-] to activate)


  • Fixed a bug with maintenance not occurring in certain conditions (trees and crops do not grow etc.)
  • Traps and Snares are fixed and should work properly now and not decay too quick
  • You can now select objects that lie in shallow water
  • Alignment loss for same guild/group members should no longer occur
  • Other minor Fixed


  • You can use kiln bellows without a Smelting skill now
[0.3.3.x] (Hotfix) - 27 March, 2015 Fixed
  • Fixed occasional server crash
[] (Judgement Patch) - 27 March, 2015 Added
  • Implemented Judgment Hour gameplay feature. Do not forget to adjust its schedule on private servers and ask your server admins to do that on a dedicated ones
  • You can now grind in our game :) ! Quern-stone is now working and should be used as a tool to grind wheat into flour. Windmill with advanced mass grinding mechanics will be implemented later
  • Added voice chat indicator. You can move it or close it while in Interface editing mode (F10)
  • Added Shadow distance video setting. You might want to tune it down to reduce “morning lag” that is caused by long shadow render. Shadow mechanics will be fixed in one of the following patches
  • Added a button in your settings that will reset all “Don't pop up those messages” flags on your client


  • Fixed private claim of objects (timer) that worked improperly under some circumstances
  • Fixed multiple issues that appeared after a player in GM mode entered and left camera mode. (Still GM Mode is not really safe for all in game interactions.) Use it only when you actually need to do something godly and then turn it off for your and your world safety!
  • Fixed a server crash, when you are kicking an offline guild member from a guild
  • Fixed some damaged state assets
  • Fixed map dialogue buttons
  • Multiple minor bug and crash fixes


  • Made a major particle system rework. In current and following patches you will notice more adequate particle effects in our game (fire, smoke, blood etc)
  • Slightly shifted camera position in War Mode. We will provide a more user friendly camera behaviour in one of the next patches
  • Optimized network code - effect will be hardly noticeable, unless you try to gather a crowd of players
[] (Repair Patch) - 13 March, 2015 Added
  • Implemented a Repair Ability. Repair Kits of all sizes can now be crafted by anyone with Construction materials preparation skill.
  • Added damaged models to different objects and buildings. Most of these models are not final!
  • You can now Inspect objects to learn about their durability data


  • Optimized claims calculation code. There should be less freezes now during claims recalculation
  • Significantly lowered base decay rate for all objects
  • GM mode camera speed is no longer the same for all GMs


  • Fixed a serious bug that caused some objects to disappear in certain circumstances
  • Fixed and optimized network code
  • You can no longer use trash items and soil for sacrificing. They will not provide sacrifice points
  • Fixed multiple monuments and guild-related minor bugs
  • Guild member limit now works properly
[] (Hotfix) - 02 March, 2015 Added
  • Added objectDecayRate tag to default world config


  • Fixed tree logs being unable to be moved, after being chopped down
  • Fixed issue that made some previously made objects disappear at night even with a decay setting set to 0
  • Live trees and tunnels are now properly protected by guild claims
  • Numerous client side Fixed
  • Only leader of the guild can destroy objects on his/her guild claim
  • Guild rename should work properly for all players
  • Fixed physics bug that allowed your head to get stuck in low ceilings if you try too hard...
  • Fixed occasional client crash that reproduced randomly
  • Fixed claim supports points visualization in GUI


  • Tweaked items sacrifice logic to work in a more sensible way
  • Trespassing message can now be marked as unimportant (in system chat only)
[] (Guilds & Claims) - 28 February, 2015 Added
  • Added guilds, guild claims and guild monuments management mechanics
  • Added “Trespassers!” ability, which will allow you to spot trespassers on your guild claim, thus marking them as criminals
  • Added a new server setting, which changes rate of object decay outside of claims (0 by default)
  • Added an equippable torch as a source of light and an improvised weak weapon


  • Fixed a nasty exploit, where you could pass thin walls and doors with certain conditions
  • Fixed randomly occurring weird animation twists and bugs
  • Fixed some client crashes
  • Numerous client side Fixed


  • Updated flax stem-fibers conversion. Flax production should not be so tedious now.
[] (Hotfix) - 29 January, 2015 Server-side Hotfix
[] (Pit Patch) - 29 January, 2015 Added
  • Small pits that are dug on terrain surfaces will mend back into a smooth terrain after 1 in game day. That is our first step towards a proper decay system and countermeasure against griefers that have dug random pits inside your castle to prevent further building
  • Implemented untrained weapon usage. If your weapon skill is lower than 30, your attacks will be 2 times slower and will inflict less damage because of that


  • Fixed a notorious rendering bug, when paved roads and some crop fields were rendered in black in a certain circumstances
  • Some bag recipes are fixed and should work properly now
  • Fixed numerous minor bugs and provided some optimizations
[] (Beautiful Patch) - 29 December, 2014 Added
  • Added dozen of emotional animations to help you to better express yourself. You can find those emote abilities in a Skill Book (L) in a General Actions skills tab. Just drag them on your hotbar and use according to your gameplay situation :)
  • Wild animals should now renew their population each gameplay night
  • New ability, ‘Create Jewelry’ has been added. You can now craft different pieces of jewelry. Currently there is no effect from wearing jewelry, but in some of the following patches we will implement a Luck bonus from jewelry that will affect almost all peaceful and combat actions that your character is performing
  • New ability, ‘Create Decorations’ has been added. You can craft some animal trophies and paintings to decorate your medieval dwelling


  • Updated and corrected a few models to improve their beauty and correct some rendering bugs they had
  • Fixed a lot of objects so they can be carried in a more appropriate way (instead of carrying a table on the top of your head)
  • Fixed few more client side crashes


  • Chances of finding gems and mineral catalysts while digging tunnels has been increased
[] (Bags and Bugs Patch) - 16 December, 2014 Added
  • Backpack, bag, sack, pouch containers can now be crafted by tailors and can be renamed (while inside of your inventory) to ease sorting of items.
  • Added new fortification modules for stone walls


  • Provided some crash fixes on a client side
  • Projectiles do not collide with water surface now and sink properly


  • Fixed video settings dialogue and tweaked video settings to fix invisible trees and objects issues on some rare PC specs
  • Warehouses now have a proper doors that can be opened or closed
  • Reworked some fortifications models to minimize /stuck exploit chances
  • Made some rendering optimizations that should increase rendering performance slightly
[] (More FPS and more Pain Patch) - 5 December, 2014 Added
  • Added few info messages in a taming process


  • Crossbows reload now properly root you in place
  • Fixed some client side crashes


  • Made some major render optimizations. Overall FPS should be higher now, especially in a heavily populated worlds with a lot of objects on the screen.
  • Reworked video settings menu. That should give you more tools to achieve an optimal balance of performance and quality
  • Objects that you carry on your back will be dropped at your position if you will be knocked down, knocked out, dead, in water or disconnected
  • Some minor client side optimizations
[] - 28 November, 2014 Fixed
  • We fixed the cart names and other minor crashes
[] (Wheels, hooves and claws Patch) - 26 November, 2014 Added
  • Implemented a bigger variety of wild animals. A friendly hint: do not try to scratch a wild bear with a primitive axe ;)
  • Most of the wild animals can be tamed and domesticated for further breeding in your stables and barns
  • Implemented wheeled transportation to move a larger amount of stuff around the world. Wheelbarrows and carts are now working!


  • Fixed some client side crashes
  • Wild animals should no longer make double attack hits
  • Sloped wall sections can now be constructed without GM mode


  • Tweaked a lot of weapons parameters. Weapons have become more lethal now
  • Reworked most of the wild animals sounds
  • Some minor client side optimizations


  • Fixed carrying skinned animals causes animal resources to disappear
[] (Quickfix Patch) - 18 November, 2014 Fixed
  • Several quickfixes (observer mode, loot drop and selection of objects)


  • Reworked the context menu a bit and added ability sorting
  • Some minor client side optimizations
[] (FPS Patch) - 14 November, 2014 Added
  • Basic decay system is now in place! Gravestones, lootbags, dropped items, animal corpses will disappear in a few game days. We have warned you! Time to build some proper storage facilities and containers to store your stuff in!
  • Added some more debug info to hunt down more client side crashes


  • You can no longer kick or ban yourself while in GM mode
  • Fixed cooking recipes to be available on lower Cooking levels. Fixed some cooking recipes to be more logical.
  • Lamp post fire and light positions fixed
  • Numerous client and server side crash fixes provided


  • Made some render side optimizations that should increase your FPS in most gameplay situations. Some texture flickering on distant objects is possible and will be fixed in following patches.
  • Tweaked some container sizes to be more useful.
  • Beautified and reworked some fortifications to disable the possibility of /stuck respawning on top of them. We are still working on a proper solution to avoid /stuck or respawn exploits.
  • Lowered Pounce upforce. It can no longer be used to jump over fortifications.
  • Equipped items will auto-unequip now if required skill has lowered below requirements.
  • Forest midnight growth optimized. That should reduce or eliminate “midnight lag” on some or most of the servers.
[] (Furniture Patch) - 31 October, 2014 Added
  • You can use Drop ability inside houses and inside tunnels now


  • Fixed few errors that prevented local private servers from starting in some cases
  • Fixed crossbows reload bug
  • Fixed trees rotation, placement and scale algorithms. Same tree types, that were planted nearby, should not look like completely identical clones any more. There should be no giant trees or tree stumps any more
  • Numerous other bug and crash fixes
  • A lot of inventory and ranged combat bugs fixes. There should be no floating “killer bolts” anymore


  • Unstuck positioning and algorithm is changed. It can no longer be used to bypass walls and fortifications
  • Tweaked hunger system a little. Primitive food should no longer provide a good nutrition. Idling characters slowly lose hunger rate now.
  • Default setting for objects claims timeout is now 48 hours
  • Significantly lowered bleeding rates
  • Corpses and graves can no longer be used as storage - you can not place anything in them
  • Tweaked and corrected UI in some places
  • Reworked and tweaked some 2D and 3D art assets, added missing item icons


  • Added Shadows and Reflections checkboxes in the video settings
  • Disabled "Screenshot w/o Interface" option (Emergency Patch) - 20 October, 2014 Fixed
  • We've just released an emergency patch, that is dedicated to fixing a server vulnerability that had appeared after previous patch. Aforementioned vulnerability allowed everyone to use GM mode commands without a GM password. Make sure that you or your server admins had updated your servers properly. Sorry for inconvenience! - 17 October, 2014 Fixed
  • Fixed server crash when burning a certain type and amount of fuel in campfires/furnaces/ovens etc.
  • Fixed Bullet physics module. Heavily modified words (with a lot of buildings, trees and tunnels) should not crash on loading now
  • Fixed Fire/Extinguish GUI bug
  • Fixed crafting result being always Quality=100 in special crafting buildings (Blacksmith’s Shop, Herbalists’s Shop etc.) Special crafting buildings now provide a proper +20% bonus to quality of resulting items
  • Fixed some crashes while managing equipment and inventory with stackable items Trees stumps should no longer produce new trees in vicinity. Enabled weather affecting speed of trees growth (trees like “shower” weather ;) )
  • Fixed few more rare server and client crashes


  • The developers seem to have changed collisions on objects once more. "Furnishing" of houses works again. (Observe Mode Patch) - 14 October, 2014 Added
  • Added a proper functionality for servers browser (favorites, direct IP connect, etc.)
  • You can now use Tailoring to craft different outfits and clothes
  • Added some more workarounds to fix an issue when a laptop discrete video card was not used for rendering. Removed misleading video adapter option from Video options. Do not forget to update your drivers!
  • Added Z-axis animals attack check. Animals should no longer able to hit you if you’re above them (on a wall, watchtower etc)


  • Fixed “infinimoose” bug, which allowed you to skin animal corpses after each server restart
  • Fixed notorious client initialization crash with different 7.1 audio devices. Fixed some crashes that were related to the change of audio devices
  • Fixed a bug: when someone entering observe or construction mode would interrupt everyone’s actions in the vicinity
  • Console can now be toggled with Ctrl+~. That should allow usage of special letters in some languages
  • Fixed some exploits that allowed you to spam certain abilities without cooldowns, which resulted in a faster skills/stats progression
  • Some server and client side crashes and leaks fixed
  • Tweaked interface and freelook sequences
  • Most of game settings should now be properly saved instantly and client crash should not reset them
  • Tweaked Coop animals breeding rates, so they can actually breed before they die
  • Tweaked overpowered pitchforks to be less overpowered :) (Memory Leak Patch) - 3 October, 2014 Added
  • Added a few workarounds to fix an issue when a laptop discrete video card was not used for rendering. Do not forget to update your drivers!


  • Fixed some server side memory leaks. This should increase server uptime significantly
  • Fixed an equipment bug that occurred after a server crash where equipment weight remained with no tools equipped
  • Recently discovered alchemy combinations are saved instantly now, so a server crash should not cause a rollback of discovered recipes
  • Removed the ability to place movable objects high in the air. That should prevent some griefing and flying looms too :)
  • Fixed the private world DB being corrupted by Steam Cache Restore. Private worlds should not be broken now suddenly. Though your security/antivirus software can still corrupt our files and there is nothing we can do about that :(
  • Assaulters should not be flagged as criminals and lose alignment if they are in the same group with a victim
  • Fixed a Steel Lumps dupe due to an incorrect crafting recipe
  • Harvesting and Skinning should be significantly faster now. Type of tool used in these abilities now affects the duration of abilities
  • Fixed a harvesting bug that would allow players to terraform a newly harvested field in order to refresh it and harvest once more duping fully grown crops
  • Fixed missing Paved Road texture
  • Fixed flax rotting in a tanning tub
  • Fixed inventory weight not always being displayed
  • Fixed DEFINER in patch.sql that had failed to work on some hosting providers that were using separate DB users for LiF:YO server instances. Everything should work correctly now even if you do not provide main “root” user access. (GM Mode Patch) - 27 September, 2014 Added
  • Fully implemented GM mode
  • You can observe players in your world via Esc -> Players menu. GMs can kick and ban players via that menu
  • Added a few missing items and objects icons
  • Added Light Scale gauntlets/greaves crafting recipes
  • Added some more debug info to locate most notorious server and client crashes


  • Fixed Drying rack. For real. If it is still not working one of our team members will be fed to Boris
  • Fixed a bug where you could start yielding even when in a knockdown or dead state. No more zombies! Realistic medieval FTW! :)
  • Dung is now properly consumed from your inventory while using it as a fertilizer
  • Reworked all herbalism ingredients to be easier to spot in your inventory
  • Fixed Light Scale gauntlets/greaves crafting recipes
  • Fixed a few server and client side crashes (Wednesday Patch) - 24 September, 2014 Added
  • Added additional debug info for client crashes to locate them faster
  • Added some more system chat messages to ease understanding of what the game wants from you
  • Added missing legs parts in rag clothes


  • Fixed some rare client connection crashes while joining a server with exotic tunnel combinations
  • Fixed some of the more frequent client crashes. There are still a good amount left, but we’ll get them sooner or later
  • Fixed item dupe bug. Reporter received 1 LiF:YO CD key as a token of gratitude
  • Fixed some serious server crashes
  • Skillcap setting should properly work now. You should be able to set skillcap up to 3000
  • In game text chat should properly separate chat lines when non-standard characters are used (Cyrillic for instance)
  • Fixed some system chat messages to ease understanding of what the game wants from you
  • Bone glue should be now accessible as a recipe at 0 level of Procuration skill
  • Skinning of wild animals should now drop Thin and Thick hides
  • Fixed tanning tub and drying rack objects. The entire leather production chain should be working now
  • Campfires, forges and other devices that burn fuel should work properly now
  • Server browser should work faster now, but there are some issues left in it
  • Buildings are now claimed for 24 real life hours instead of 12
  • Minor fixes to units and formation bonus effects
  • EULA checkbox and button were tweaked to be properly visible :)
  • There should be less or no achievements spam or false achievements triggering
  • Tracking abilities are named properly now
  • We have created a ping response protocol, that can be useful for hosting providers to detect if game server is up or down to auto restart it. More info is in readme.txt of dedicated server (Sunday Patch) - 22 September, 2014 Added
  • Added additional debugging info on client and server side. That will help us to gather more info on the most notorious bugs and crashes both on the server and client. We are very positive that we will be able to fix most of them with the next patch


  • Fixed a few server side crashes. Most notorious problems are harder to locate and are still there, unfortunately
  • Key bindings menu should work properly now. That also should fix some issues when users were unable to click on anything even in the Main menu.
  • “Is Private” server setting should be properly working now
? (Release) - 19 September, 2014 Release