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MMO[ | ]

MMO: Procuration
Crafting skill
Attributes Skills
Primary Strength Requires Hunting
Secondary Agility Unlocks Animal Lore
Skill Progression
Level Description
0 Can use tanning tubs to craft flax fibers from stems. Can craft bone glue.
30 Can use drying frames to dry hides
60 Can use tanning tubs to tan leather
90 Can use tanning tubs to tan packs of leather and flax fibers
100 Permanent +10 bonus to luck during the use of procurement abilities. Luck affects the probability of reducing the duration of abilities by 20%
Skill ID 23

Procuration is the tier 2 crafting skill in the Hunting branch following the Hunting skill. It is needed to process bones into bone glue, flax stems into flax fibers and hides into leather.

Level 30 of Hunting is required to learn this skill. To increase Procuration past level 30, Hunting skill must be at level 60.

Recipes[ | ]

Bone glue
Image Name Crafting device Materials required Skill required
Bone glue Bone glue Big cauldron
20 x Bones
6 x Water
Procuration: 0
Flax fibers
Image Name Crafting device Materials required Skill required
Flax fibers Flax fibers Tanning tub 10 x Flax stem
2 x Water
Procuration: 0
Flax fibers Pack of Flax fibers Big tanning tub 100 x Flax stem
20 x Water
Procuration: 90
Image Name Crafting device Materials required Skill required Image Name Crafting device Materials required Skill required
Thin leathers Thick leathers
Thin dried hide Thin dried hide Drying frame 1x Fur Procuration: 30 Thick dried hide Thick dried hide Drying frame 1 x Big hide Procuration: 30
1x Boar hide 1x Wolf hide
1x Bear hide
Thin leather Thin leather Tanning tub 1 x Thin dried hide
3 x Water
Procuration: 60 Thick leather Thick leather Tanning tub 1 x Thick dried hide
4 x Water
Procuration: 60
Thin leather Pack of Thin leather Big tanning tub 10 x Thin dried hide
20 x Water
Procuration: 90 Thick leather Pack of Thick leather Big tanning tub 10 x Thick dried hide
20 x Water
Procuration: 90
Thin dried hide Soft thin dried hide Drying frame 1x Sheepskin Procuration: 30 Thick dried hide Soft thick dried hide Drying frame 1x Cowhide Procuration: 30
1x Pigskin
Soft thin leather Soft thin leather Tanning tub 1x Soft thin dried hide

3x Water

Procuration: 60 Soft thik leather Soft thick leather Tanning tub 1x Soft thick dried hide

4x Water

Procuration: 60
Soft thin leather Pack of Soft thin leather Big tanning tub 10x Soft thin dried hide

20x Water

Procuration: 90 Soft thik leather Pack of Soft thick leather Big tanning tub 10x Soft thick dried hide

20x Water

Procuration: 90
Thin dried hide Rough thin dried hide Drying frame 1x Rough Sheepskin Procuration: 30 Thick dried hide Rough thick dried hide Drying frame 1x Rough Cowhide Procuration: 30
1x Rough Pigskin
Rough thin leather Rough thin leather Tanning tub 1x Rough thin dried hide

3x Water

Procuration: 60 Rough thik leather Rough thick leather Tanning tub 1x Rough thick dried hide

4x Water

Procuration: 60
Rough thin leather Pack of Rough thin leather Big tanning tub 10x Rough thin dried hide

20x Water

Procuration: 90 Rough thik leather Pack of Rough thick leather Big tanning tub 10x Rough thick dried hide

20x Water

Procuration: 90
Hide types
Image Name Wild animal

(carcass skinned)

Domesticated animal

(Animal slaughtered)

Image Name Wild animal

(carcass skinned)

Domesticated animal

(Animal slaughtered)

Thin hides Thick hides
Fur Fur Hare Rabbit Big hide Big hide Aurochs bull / Aurochs cow

Deer / Hind /

Moose / Wild horse

Stallion / Horse / Tamed Moose / Courier Horse / all Warhorses
Boar hide Boar hide Boar / Sow - Wolf hide Wolf hide Wolf -
Bear hide Bear hide Bear -
Sheepskin Sheepskin Mutton Ram / Sheep Cowhide Cowhide - Bull / Cow
Pigskin Pigskin - Boar / Pig
Rough Sheepskin Rough sheepskin - Mountain ram / Mountain sheep Rough cowhide Rough cowhide - Hairy bull / Hairy cow
Rough pigskin Rough pigskin - Mangalica boar / Mangalica sow

Your Own[ | ]

YO: Procuration
Crafting skill
Attributes Skills
Primary Strength Requires Hunting
Secondary Agility Unlocks Animal Lore
Skill Progression
Level Description
0 Can slaughter animals in coop, barn and stables
Can craft bone glue
Can craft flax fibers from stems
30 Can dry hides
Can weave ropes, hanks of linen and linen cloth
60 Can tan leather
Can weave hanks of wool and wool cloth
90 Can produce silk from filaments
100 Permanent +10 bonus to luck during the use of procurement abilities. Luck affects the probability of reducing the duration of abilities by 20%
Skill ID 23

Procuration is the tier 2 crafting skill in the Hunting branch following the Hunting skill. It is a main skill for poultry and hare farming, obtaining all forms of hides, leathers, bones and other animal products, and weaving ropes and clothes. Level 30 of Hunting is required to learn this skill. To increase Procuration past level 30, Hunting skill must be at level 60.

Abilities[ | ]

Level Actions Equipment
0 Craft Bone glue Cooking pot
0 Slaughter Animals in Coop None
0 Process Flax Stem Tanning tub
30 Slaughter Animals in Barn and Stable None
30 Dry Hides Drying frame
30 Weave: Linen rope, Hank of linen, Linen cloth Loom
60 Tan Leather Tanning Tub
60 Weave: Hank of Wool, Wool cloth Loom
90 Process Silk Filaments Spinning Wheel
90 Weave: Hank of Silk, Silk cloth Loom
100 +10 Bonus to Luck during Procurement None

Item preperations[ | ]

Image Name Crafting device Materials required Skill required
Bone glue Bone glue Cooking devices 10 x Bones
6 x Water
Procuration: 0
Flax fibers Flax fibers Tanning tub 10 x Flax stem
2 x Water
Procuration: 0
Linen rope Linen rope Weaver's toolkit 3 x Hank of linen Procuration: 30
Hank of linen Hank of linen Spinning wheel 5 x Flax fibers Procuration: 30
Linen cloth Linen cloth Loom 5 x Hank of linen Procuration: 30
Thick dried hide Thick dried hide Drying frame 1 x Thick hides Procuration: 30
Thin dried hide Thin dried hide Drying frame 1 x Thin hides Procuration: 30
Hank of wool Hank of wool Spinning wheel 8 x Wool pack Procuration: 60
Wool cloth Wool cloth Loom 6 x Hank of wool Procuration: 60
Thick leather Thick leather Tanning tub 1 x Thick dried hide
3 x Water
Procuration: 60
Thin leather Thin leather Tanning tub 1 x Thin dried hide
3 x Water
Procuration: 60
Hank of silk Hank of silk Spinning wheel 5 x Silk filaments Procuration: 90
Silk cloth Silk cloth Loom 25 x Hank of silk Procuration: 90

Training Tips[ | ]

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References[ | ]

MMO: Crafting skills
Artisan Artisan Construction Construction Masonry Masonry Architecture Architecture
Mining Mining Materials Processing Materials Processing Precious Prospecting Precious Prospecting Jewelry Jewelry
Forestry Forestry Carpentry Carpentry Bowcraft Bowcraft Warfare Engineering Warfare Engineering
Kilning Kilning Forging Forging Weaponsmithing Weaponsmithing Armorsmithing Armorsmithing
Household Household Farming Farming Cooking Cooking Tailoring Tailoring
Gathering Gathering Herbalism Herbalism Healing Healing Alchemy Alchemy
Hunting Hunting Procuration Procuration Animal Lore Animal Lore Warhorse Training Warhorse Training