Life is Feudal Wiki

Summary[ | ]

Hardwood Trees are a classification of Tree that provide players with hardwood materials normally used for building in Construction, Masonry, and other skills. Hardwood Trees provide Building Logs, Hardwood Boards, and Hardwood Billets when chopped down into a Hardwood Log. A standing Tree will provide the player with the options to Inspect Tree, Collect Bark, Snap off a Branch, or Gather a Sprout respectively. When you inspect a Hardwood Tree, it will provide a list of details about the Tree. Such as its Durability, Quality, and Tree type. The materials from a standing tree will regenerate overtime after gathering.

Types of Hardwood Trees[ | ]

There are a total of 4 different types of Hardwood Trees that are in the game. The only thing to note from them that is that larger Hardwood Trees have a higher Durability resulting in more uses of the Hardwood Log before it is destroyed. They will be listed below in order of least efficient to most efficient Tree to use. Generally the most efficient to grow is oak although it takes the longest to grow. Birch on the other hand is very quick to grow but has only a fraction of the amount of wood the other trees do. Planting a variety of wood when you first begin to play will enable you to have wood that can be harvested at separate times.

Tree Type Skill Content (Quality 1 - 32) Content (Quality 33 - 65) Content (Quality 66 - 100)
Bark Branches Sprouts Wood Bark Branches Sprouts Wood Bark Branches Sprouts Wood
Birch tree Hardwood 30 3 5 1 70 4 7 1 160 10 14 4 320
Maple tree Hardwood 60 5 10 1 100 5 10 1 250 14 22 5 500
Elm tree Hardwood 90 10 20 2 160 8 16 2 400 16 20 8 800
Oak tree Hardwood 90 15 30 3 240 12 24 3 600 30 28 8 1200

Notes[ | ]

Also See[ | ]
